The Fair Labor Standards and Fire and Police Pension Answer Page.
Second, What does the FLSA have to do with the F & P Pension. Simply put, if you don't ride the fire engine you aren't eligible for the F & P. Now as you read in the Union news letter Rick stated that he is trying to protect the pension for the medics, this is good. We need to become legal within the pension, so we do not have to keep fighting this battle. The city knows we aren't legal in the pension. Letter from city to Attorney General.
Before we get too involved, lets  first understand what the FLSA and the F& P Pension is all about. I know you've heard a lot of rumor from people on the street, and I know you've heard Local 734's position. Now take a few minutes to hear mine, with proof and documentation.

First, lets look at the FLSA issue, This link will help you understand a little bit of what I'm talking about.
FLSA & Paramedics.
Finally, we're in the F & P for now, not legally, but we're in. But there is no way of knowing if that will be the case in sixteen years. Then its too late to fight. We need to get together and fight this now. I realize some of you do not want to ride the fire engine. But, you have to sit down and really look at it. This is something that is good for all of us. The alternative is a 30 year retirement. I don't know about you but I surely can not ride that medic for 30 years, not even at medic 18 or 2. If your interested in helping you can email me Rob James at, or my attorney Joe Mallon at Please sign my guest log and leave your comments.
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