Genesis Lesson 19
In the last chapter of Genesis we found that Sarah had died. Abraham was quite old as well. In this lesson we find that Abraham sends his servant to find his son Issac a wife. He sent his servant unto the Canaanites to find her. The servant loaded up the camels and headed to Canaan to find her. When he got there he prayed to God. He asked God to show him which woman God had chosen for Issac. To do so he asked God to let the woman he had chosen for Issac to give him water. He would ask each of the women who came out for water. The one chosen would answer and say that she would not only give him water but she would water his camels as well. Before he had even finished speaking Rebekah came to the well. The servant asked Rebekah for water. She said she would not only give him water but his stock as well. The servant asked her if there was room in her father's hose for a stranger to stay. He then stayed with her family. Rebekah told her family about all the things that had happened. Then the servant explained who he was. He told them that he had come to the land to find a wife for Issac. Then Rebekah's family asked her if she would go with the servant and Rebekah said she would. They left Canaan to go to Abraham's home. When they arrived Rebekah saw Issac from afar. She asked the servant who the man walking in the field was. He told her that it was his master. Rebekah then vailed her face.  The servant told Issac all the things that had happened. Issac then took Rebekah to his mother's tent and they were married. This helped Issac better deal with his mother's death. Abraham also took a wife. Her name was Keturah. She bore him children. We find in the next chapter that Abraham died at the age of 175 years old.
1.  __________________ sent his ______________ to ____________________ to find a ___________ for _________________.
2.  The ______________ made a deal with God. The ___________ who _____________ his caravan would be the one __________ had chosen as a __________ for ___________.
Genesis Part Two, Lesson Five
3.  __________________ agreed to _____________ not only the ________________ but also his entire ________________.
4. _________________ told her ____________ all the things which had taken place.
5.  __________________ to meet __________________ when they arrived at Abraham's home.
6.  After Sarah's death Abraham married ______________.