Summary: Please read Secrets I and II by Leyla Harrison and Madeline Partous
respectively first.  Then you'll get this.
Rated: R - with a zest
Spoilers: Not really. 
Date completed: December 7th, 1997.
Acknowledgments and comments at the end.

Secrets III
by MD1016

Everybody has secrets.  

Fear, shame and guilt build them, hide them so we can forget they even exist. 
They're our  buried evils; unwanted bastards of our desires and needs.  Oh,
yeah.  They're the real us - when the rest of the crap is peeled away.

And I know some pretty crappy people.

In my line of work, it's unavoidable.  Who am I?  Nobody.  Remember that.  I'm
the Nobody who knows all your secrets.  It's my job.  God.  I fucking hate my
job.  One day, it'll kill me, I think.  Fucking piece of shit that I am - it's
not like I've got anything really to live for.  No wife, no kids.  No life,
outside watching these two agents hump like dogs in heat.  You ever feel like
everyone's got someone but you?

I've been watching them for a month or so, and at first glance, they looked
like pretty miserable people.  Sure, she's hot and intelligent and classy, but
she had even less of a life than I do.  I've got a camera in her bed room and
one focused on her couch and in the weeks I've been playing spy, she's only
masturbated five times, maybe.  And even then it was under this thick quilted
blanket, like she was afraid someone would walk in.  Yeah.  What a joke.  No
one ever walks in her place.  The guy, he's a freak - believes in aliens and
ghosts and shit - heh heh, yeah, he's real good friends with his right hand. 
But he was always alone.  They both were.  It made me feel like I was back at
my mother's.  God forbid.  They'd come home from work and just stay home and do
NOTHING all fucking night!  They drove me crazy I was so bored.

And then last week, in the middle of the night, when the Loser called her it
was something like one in the morning, but she answered it.  Now, I gotta tell
you she'd been hot for something all that evening.  Touching her self all over
while she was watching TV and doing the dishes and stuff. Candles lit all over
and that soft swaying music on low. Really sexy shit.  So when she'd started
moaning in the dark of her bedroom, yeah, I turned the Night Brightness knob on
the monitor up to full.  Hey, I'm male.  And I don't mind telling you that I
thanked God that night `cause she was on top of that damn bedspread of hers,
and for once, I was getting to see something - a little tip for the hours I'd
been putting in, you know - and that Loser goes and calls her.  Yeah, he'd been
pretty horny all night, too.

And they started talking, saying the normal stuff: Did I wake you?  I was up. 
What are you doing?  It's a secret...  She said that: IT'S A SECRET.  That's
where things really got interesting.  My ears perked up right away because, as
you know, I deal in secrets.  Secrets is my middle name.  So she says it's a
secret, and I lean in to the TV and my God, the chick is still going at it! 
While she's on the phone with this guy!  And he's her PARTNER!  And I'm
thinking to myself that I've really missed something somewhere; these two were
never an item before and somehow I missed that there was anything there at
all...Oprah calls it sexual tension.  Yeah, yeah.  I'm a guy, I know.  But I'm
not completely dense when it comes to these things,  you know.  

So, anyway, while she's busy going at it, this guy, he asks her what her secret
is, and she tells him.  Can you believe that?  She tells him that she's been
lying there, touching herself and thinking about him making love to her - or
fucking her - I can't remember the terminology she used.  God, would I love to
make love to that woman!  And then Loser said that he's just been thinking the
same thing, and I can tell you he had been, too.  The guy's hung - I'll leave
it at that.

But this last bit of information kinda freaked the woman out.  I don't know
why.  You'd think a chick would like it when a guy is thinking what she's
thinking.  But then, who can think like a woman?  And so, she sat up in the bed
and told him not to come over, or not to think about her or something, I don't
really remember.  But she did hang up on him and they both just sat there for a
minute or so before they went back to doing what they were doing before the
call.  He came first.

And no, that wasn't the end of it.

Loser grabbed his phone and a towel and tried to clean up the mess he'd made,
while he listened to her phone ring.  Something like eight or nine times.  She
wasn't going to answer it.  I could see it in the way she was just laying
there, breathing in the dark.  Staring up at me.  Smoke detectors are great
places for hiding surveillance equipment.  Now you know a secret.

God, I love the way she looked at me, licking her lips, satisfied and anxious,
listening to the phone ring and ring and ring.  And when it stopped, she looked
at it like she was shocked that the guy hung up after ten minutes of listening
to her line jingle.  Of course, she didn't know that he'd left his own place at
that point.  Only I knew that.  It's my job to know.

So when the phone started ringing again, she grabbed it right away, like she
was afraid it was going to run outta the room.  Wait.  I think this was when
she told him not to come over.  I think he said he was in the car and they
needed to talk, or maybe he said he needed to see her.  I'm getting old.  I
can't remember a fucking thing.

So, when she hung up again, she laid back down on the bedspread - this part I
remember - because she started taking off all her clothes.  Real slow.  Staring
right at me like she knew I was there, and sliding her nighty up over her head
and her panties down over her hips.  The woman's a goddess incarnate.  She must
work out.  And she reached down, over her breasts, over her belly, and ran her
fingers through the hair at her legs.  

And Christ, if she didn't moan my name.  Right then, looking right at me,
fingering herself so fast I could hear the slick smacks, she said, "I've got a

Oh, yeah, baby.  You've got me.  Hard and breathless, and right where I wanna

And I'm so close to the TV, I can see the individual grains of her.  And she
doesn't stop looking at me when Loser finally makes it into the room.  He's
huffing and rubbing his thighs, and Goddamn it, the guy's ready for another go!
 Un-fucking-believable!  And he doesn't wait for her to invite him in, he just
climbs on the bed and settles his shoulders between her legs and gives her what
I wanted to.  And she's moaning and grunting and clawing at his head, and the
guy, he's getting even more turned on by it.  By the taste of her.  Shit.  Even
I could smell her, and I was in the apartment above Loser's place.

Jesus, the screaming that went on that night!  He got her right to the edge,
and I know she was there, too: bucking and screaming and pulling his hair.  But
he didn't push her over.  Oh, no, Loser is too slick for that.  He knelt
between her wet thighs, spread so far apart it looked like she was doing the
splits for me, and he tore off his clothes.  Well, nothing actually ripped, but
I've never in my life seen anyone strip that fast.  And then he laid down on
top of her and fucked her.  Hard.  From the angle I was at, all I could see was
her knees hugging his back and her ankles crossed and her fingers carving white
lines on his neck.  Man, were they going at it!

This time she came first.  Oh, yeah.

And you know what she was whispering when he finally rolled off of her?  What
her beautiful lips were chanting when she finally closed her eyes?

My name.  Not his.  Mine.

He may have possessed her physically, but I know her secrets.  I've seen them. 
Lived them.  I own them.

The End


About a week ago, Madeline and Leyla sent me their stories, Secrets I and II. 
I loved them and instantly they sparked yet another image in my head. 
Basically, that's what you've just read.  Each of the stories is told from a
different point of view; telling the truth as each has chosen to see it.  Heh
heh heh...can you relate?

It gives me great pleasure to contribute with two writers whose work I have
enjoyed repeatedly over the several years that I've been online.  These two
women, like the countless other fan fic writers, have remained true to the
show, even when the actors, producers, and writers have dismissed and denounced
us.  To all of those fan fic writers, Madeline and Leyla, and everyone who sees
this piece and appreciates it for what it is - an extension of my love for The
Show - I dedicate this work.
