Membership Personal Data

Personal Details :

Name :  Romeo D. Malasarte

Nick Name : Bong

Date of Birth : February 25, 1967

FCC Call sign :   KH0FX

Class :   General

More Information

Contact Details :

Postal Address :           P.O Box 504331, Saipan, MP 96950-4331 

Telephone Number :    (670) 288-2550 / 235-9151

E-mail Address : 

Website Addres :

Educational Details :

Primary :        Elementary School - San Rafael Elementary School - Philippines.

Secondary :     Building Construction - M.I.S.T. - Philippines.

College :          Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering - T.I P. - Manila, Philippines.

Skills :            Electrical, PBX Telephone System, Basic knowledge in PC and Radio Communication.

Employment History :

Presently working in Pacific Daiken Co., Ltd. - PBX Telephone System Department.

Interest / Hobby :

Businessman in the future / Cliff Fishing, Basketball, Radio Communication and browsing to World Wide Web.

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