My Cousins Costume Party

By Author X

"So what are you doing for Halloween this year Bill?" I asked as Bill and I changed after class in the locker room.

"Oh, I don't really know. I'm sure there has got to be a party somewhere."

"My cousin is going to a great party this year. I could check it out. I bet you two would really hit it off well."

"You mean your cousin that you were showing me the other night."

"Ya, I've told her about you and I think she would really like to meet you."

"So are we going?", Bill asked excitely.

"Well, I can't. I have to go home that weekend. It's my mom's birthday, but if you wanted to go I'd try to set you up."

"Ya, I'd go. She looked pretty good in those photos. Do you know if she is seeing anyone.", Bill asked.

"I don't know, but I check it out and let you know."

Later that same day I met with Liz, a fairly homely looking young lady, who's rich Daddy would get her anything to make her happy.

"Liz, I think I found those jeans you wanted. They may be a little pricey", I said as I gave Liz the once over.

"That's OK Ken, Daddy is going to be paying for them.", Liz said.

I could work with this. Liz was not going to be having guys knocking down her doors any time soon, but besides her less than average face, Liz would do. After all, she was a woman and her Daddy was now a billionaire.

"OK, then here is the number of the woman to contact. She is planning for you tomorrow night."

The next day I ran into Bill at campus.

"Bill, I talked to Kathy and I bet if you called her she'd be interested in going."


"Here is her number. Give her a call tonight. I've got to get going. See ya, when I get back.", I said handing him a small piece of paper.


I knew Bill would have a good time and I was sure Kathy would too.

Kathy loved Halloween parties, every year her costumes got better and better. She liked to use masks. Her masks in past years had included a black rubber hood with her catwoman costume and a full headdress when she appeared as a chorus-line girl.

This year would be her best yet and she dreamed about the coming party.

That evening Bill call the number I had left him.

"Hello?", a young woman's asked as she picked up the phone.

"Hello, Kathy. I'm Bill, your cousin's a friend from "Big O" State."

"Oh, Hi. Ken said you might call.", the woman said

"Ya, Ken said you might be interested in going to a Halloween party this year.", Bill asked.

"That would be fun. We have a party in my apartment building every year. I'd love to go, it is so much fun to see everyone in some kind of disguise. I have fun trying to guess who every one really is.", the woman said excitely.

"Cool, that's great.", Bill said excitely.

"I have a great idea for a set of costumes this year. Would you be interested/", the woman asked.

"Sure, whatever you want to do.", Bill said.

"OK, let's go as Zorro and a rich princess. I love those little facemasks. I bet you would look really good as a Zorro."

"Ya we could do that." Bill really didn't care what he went to the party as. He was thinking about what he was going to do at the party, or really what he hope to do with Kathy after the party.

"Well the party starts around 8:00 and really gets going by 9:00. Why don't you stop by at around 10 to 9. I'm in 36B."

"Great, see you then. Bye.", Bill finished

"Bye", the woman answered.

The next evening at Kathy's apt.

The doorbell rang . It was only 7:30pm.

Kathy opened the door. "Hi, Liz. How is everything."

"Oh, just great. I'm really looking forward to tonight."

"Do you have your ticket?", Kathy asked.

"Here it is. Daddy would do anything to make me happy.", Liz said as she handed Kathy a cashier check.

"Good, are you ready?"

"Ya, I think so. I guess I'm a little nervous."

"Thats OK. I understand. Just act natural and everything will be OK. I've done this before and I'll have every set for your entrance. Here your costume for tonight. Try to get it looking prefect, but remember in low light you'll look great no matter how good you get the look."

Kathy handed her a box and a garment bag and led her into the bathroom.

"You have a few hours so take your time and try to relax. I'll let you know when you should join the party."

Kathy left Liz to her tasks. She still had concerns of her own.

Kathy finished with her own costume. This year she was a rich princess. She had a long royal blue satin gown with white lace trim. She wore a jeweled tirra and carried a royal blue colored eye mask. A stick attached to one side was used to hold the mask over the wearer eyes.

She looked like princess right out of a Hollywood movie. She checked a few things and made any required adjustments. By now Bill was due at any time.

Ding, dong. The doorbell rang.

Kathy slowly walked to the door, the trail of her gown following her as she went.

She opened the door. "Hi Bill. I've been waiting, lets go.", Kathy said

"OK, sure.", Bill said and the two were off to the party.

When they got to the party, they walked around. Kathy tried to guess who everyone was. She was pretty good at it.

She guessed the guy next door under his vampire painted face. The big maintenance guy was a gorilla. Several women on her floor were sexy nurses. She was the only princess, but under her mask she was sure no one knew who she really was.

There were several games of Guess Who is Who, but they just watched. Kathy and Bill looked like a great couple in their matching themed costumes but neither won any of the evening's prizes, but that was fine with Kathy too. She had bigger things on her mind and so did Bill.

The party was still going at 1:00am.

"Bill, I think I'd like to go back to my apt.", Kathy whispered into Bill's ear.

"Right now", Bill asked.

"Ya, I'm getting a little tired."

They walked back to Kathy's apt.

"You want to come in for a while?", Kathy asked Bill at the door.

"Sure that would be great.", Bill said hoping he had played his cards right earlier in the evening.

Kathy opened the door and they went inside.

"Bill, I need to get out of these shoes.", Kathy said as she collapsed on her couch.

"Can you help me with these.", Kathy asked Bill as she pull up her gown to her waist. Her gown had such volume with the hoop skirt and petty coats underneath that she couldn't even see her feet.

However, Bill had a clear shot. At first he was surprised, as she raised her gown, but as it revealed more and more of her shapely legs, he just got excited. By the time she had gathered everything at her waist Bill could see all the way up to her French cut panties.

The darken outline of her pubic hair could be clearly made out against her smooth white satin finished panties. Bill could tell he was going to have fun with this woman.

He slipped her shoes off.

"Well don't stop there.", Kathy said sounding rather disappointed.

"I was hoping you might say that.", Bill said.

"I didn't say you could have me, you still have to earn me.", Kathy responded.

Bill undid the clips on her nylon stocking. He slowly slid them off her legs, one at a time.

Kathy stood up and asked Bill to unzip her. He did and helped as she slipped her arms out and then stepped out of her gown.

Bill started to unlace the waist clincher she had around her middle.

Kathy reached out and undid his shirt and then his pants.

Soon the two passionate lovers were standing there in their underwear. She in her bra and panties and he in his boxers.

"Let's move to my bedroom Bill.", Kathy said.

They slowly walked into her bedroom each caressing each other as they went.

Bill turned the bedroom light on.

Kathy broke away from his embrace and moved over to her dresser and lite three candles.

"You can turn that light off now." Kathy said and Bill obeyed.

"Just a moment Bill, I'll be right back." , Kathy said as she backed away and walked into her bathroom.

The bathroom light came on and Bill heard a drawer open and then shut.

Kathy came back out of the bathroom, silhouetted against the bathroom light. She was wearing the same things as before, but she now had a condom. Bill now knew he had played his cards right. He was going to score for sure tonight.

She flipped the bathroom light off and moved over to the bed in the dim light of the candles.

"Come here.", she whispered as she slipped her panties off.

Bill moved over and reached behind her and undid the clasp of her bra.

Kathy turned away and took her bra off. She placed it out of the way on her bed and laid back.

The sight of this nude woman made Bill stiff, as his body caught up with what was going to be happening soon.

She looked a bit less endowed than earlier in the evening, but at this point Bill didn't ready care.

He climbed into bed. She sat up and slipped the condom out of it's open package and on to his enlarged toy.

When she was done he climbed on top of her and went to work. After a few minutes, he had worked himself up and released.

She sighed. He had come. Although, Bill had come fairly quickly, Kathy was still very excited. It had been her first time and she enjoyed every minute she had spent with Bill.

Bill dismounted her and lay down next to her. Bill relaxing in his post orgasm bliss and Kathy dreaming about Bill as the father of her child.

The two lay there for a few moments, then Kathy got up.

"I'll be right back.", she whisper.

She picked up her bra and panties and walked into the bathroom. Bill saw the light go on and saw the shadows as Kathy put her bra and panties back on. He heard the clank of the toilet seat and a tingling sound as she used it.

A few moments later, Kathy reappearing at the bathroom door, dressed back in her bra and panties. She turned the light off and climbed back into bed with Bill. Soon the two were both asleep.

The next morning Bill rolled over. The sun blazing through the open windows awoke him.

It was almost 1:00 in the afternoon.

"It is about time sleepy head. I've been up for over an hour by now. I've got some coffee going in the kitchen, you want a cup?", Kathy called from the bedroom doorway.

"Oh, ya sure. I'm sorry Kathy. What time is it?", Bill said not really yet fully awake.

"About 1:00."

"Oh, Shit. I gotta go. I was supposed to be at the game by now. Shit.", Bill said as he jumped out of bed and started looking for his clothes.

"You don't want coffee?", Kathy asked.

"No I'm sorry Kathy, I had a great time last night, but I've got to go."

Bill slipped on his pants and shirt and was out the door. He hopped down the hall as he put on his shoes and then he was gone.

Kathy closed the door. Bill was always like that, thought Kathy. Love'em and leave'em, but that is the way Kathys really wanted it.

She walked back into her bedroom.

Kathy could see her image in the mirror of her closet doors as she walked in. Her image reached behind her head and fumbled for a moment at her neckline.

"Here let me help you with that.", Kathy said as she approached her splitting image.

The two Kathys stood there, one behind the other as they fumbled with something at the back of the first Kathy's neck.

"I hope you enjoyed your part at the party. I knew Bill would meet your requirements. I hope you enjoyed your quick roll in bed with him."

"Oh, he was wonderful. He is quite a man isn't he."

"Was he worth it?"

"Oh, yes.  This is a night my child and I won't soon forget."

Now the first Kathy, pulling from the back of her neck, slowly peeled a mask and wig from her face. Underneath her old face, the homely face of Liz appeared. She now undid her bra and in the light of midday one could clearly see the bra was heavily padded.

"This was really great. I'm sure Bill thought I was really you. He didn't even notice my smaller breasts.", Liz said.

"Liz, I told you everything would be OK, at that point he was going to see exactly what he wanted too." Kathy answered.

"He wanted to have sex with me and he did have sex with me, only it was you as me, but he didn't need to know that.", Kathy continued.

Liz changed back into her own clothes. Soon she was ready to start her new life as a mother.

"Thanks for everything, Kathy. I could have never done it without you.", Liz said at the door.

"Liz, it was great doing business with you. I hope your child is everything you have dreamed about.", Kathy said

"Bye." Liz said waving and walking down the hall.

"Bye, Good Luck.", Kathy said and then backed into her apartment.

She walked back into her bedroom. She needed to clean things back up abit and get the apartment back looking like it did before.

She picked up the used condom from Liz and Bill's encounter. Now in the light, the quarter inch hole at the tip was clearly visible. Liz had gotten the genes she wanted. She dropped it into the toilet and flushed it away.

She gathered up few pieces of Liz's costume, her mask and wig, a silicon-padded bra and a pair of white satin French cut panties and placed them in a suitcase.

Back in her bedroom she gathered up her clothes from last night, a bra and set of panties just like from Liz's costume and the rest of her princess costume and added them to the case.

She picked up the cashiers check Liz had given her the night before. $50,000 dollars made out to Ken Walker, Kathy's cousin. Ken was quite a businessman, but he had delivered the genes Liz had wanted, so it was probably worth it.

Standing there, dreaming about what one could do with 50K, the phone rang.

Before picking up the phone, she glanced at the caller ID box.

"Hello.", she said in an usually sounding voice.

"Hello, Ken?", the woman at the other end said.

"Yes, yes.", Kathy said her voice not sounding like her at all.

"Well did you and Bill have fun at my apartments Halloween party."

"Yes, we did. Thanks for letting me borrow your apartment. It made thing a whole lot easier.", she said still sounding very funny for herself.

"Well, it would have been a long drive back to campus at that time of night. Beside this way you could enjoy the party without having to worry about how you were going to get back home.", Kathy said as the Kathy on this end of the phone peeled off her mask and wig to reveal…ME.

"Thanks again, Kathy. By the way how is my mother.", I said with a big smile on my face.

© 2000

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