"The President's Daughter"

By Author X (as of July 20,2000)

All new material Copyright 2000.

The opening/idea by Ghost writer (I believe I will check and correct if necessary.)

"Good Morning Mr. X, inside this envelope you find the picture of Ismail bin Ishak. Ismail bin Ishak is the leader of a terrorist group called the Shining Jihad which aims to create an Islamic State out of the country Y. Recently, we have discovered a plot to kidnap the president's daughter when she is staying at the resort town of Z. Your mission, if you chose to accept it is to prevent the kidnapping from taking place and to create enough tension to split the Shining Jihad. Should you be captured, the secretary would disclaim any knowledge of your existence. This message would self-destruct in 30 seconds."

Mr. X the new leader of the IM force continued to walk thru the museum, stopping at the next painting hanging in the gallery.

There was a short hiss and a bit of smoke as the tape in the museum's tape player burned itself to a cinder.

Mr. X took off the head set and handed the whole tape player to a museum guide. "There seems to be something wrong with this player."

The guide looked at the smoking player and wondered what to do with it. Nothing had ever happened like this before.

When she looked back up the man was gone.


The next morning in the sunny sea side resort of Z in the tiny country of Y, Jennifer Hayes rolled out of bed.

She and her boyfriend, "Steve" were traveling quietly through Europe and Asia.

She had meet Steve only a few months before, but it was Steve who had given her the strength to fight her parents and break away from a life under a complete security umbrella.


"Steve, could you start some coffee."

Steve was out in the living room of the penthouse suite.

"What, honey?" Steve said taking a break from his phone call.

He heard her start out towards the living room. There was a slight click as he folded up his cell phone and placed it in his pocket.

"What are you doing?" asked Jennifer.

"I was thinking about ordering breakfast up here. What do you want?", Steve responded.

"Oh, I thought you were talking to someone." Jennifer said with a sleepy, but puzzled voice. "I don't care, Steve, but get them to bring up some more towels. I want to take a shower.", she continued and headed back into the bedroom.

"I talk care of it honey."

Jennifer undressed and stepped into the shower.

Steve pulled out his phone again and hit the redial.

"Ismail, Ismail. Sorry, about that, she was coming out into the living room. I think today is the day, we will be at the XXXX for dinner. Can you be ready by then." Steve said.

There was a pause. "O.K. O.K., I think I could delay it until tomorrow. But you need to be ready by then."

There was a knock at the door

"Housekeeping", the woman said. "I bring you new towels."

Steve stopped his discussion and opened the door.

A young woman in a traditional Muslin black robe came in. She was covered from head to toe in black and only her eyes were visible through her headdress.

"Mar ha ba, I bring you new towels." she said.

Steve pointed to the bedroom.

The young woman headed into the bedroom with the new towels.

Steve continued with his conversation.

"You be ready, or I won't be able to help you."

There was another pause.

"Look, you do your end and let me do mine."

"Ms. Hayes, this is a 'Code Zebra' emergency.", a voice from outside the shower said.

Jennifer froze. She knew what that meant.

Code Zebra was the code word for an immediate threat to life of the President or his family. She had gone through the training, but she never expected it to be used.

She opened the shower door and looked out.

In the doorway a young Muslin woman was removing her robe.

"Quickly towel off and put this robe on."

Jennifer knew not to ask any questions, this was a Code Zebra and she was to follow the agents instruction to the letter.

She dried her hair a bit and stepped out.

"Hurry, hurry" the agent said softly, indicating she should just put the robe on.

Jennifer quickly took the robe and slipped it on, pulling the headdress on over her head.

She now noticed the agent was not a young woman, but actually a 30's ish man. Under the robe he had sounded like a woman, however standing there virtually nude, it was very obvious he was male.

"Say nothing to anyone including Steve outside." the man said. "Leave the room and go to the train station. In the right pocket of your robe you will find a key to a locker there. Follow the instructions you find there.

Jennifer heart was now beating a hundred miles an hours.

"Relax and calmly leave." the agent said indicating Jennifer should be on her way. "Now." he added firmly.

Jennifer walked into the bedroom and took a deep breath and slowly exhaled.

The agent continued his activities in the bathroom.

Jennifer could see Steve on his cell phone in the kitchen area. She headed out into the living room and towards the door.

Each step seemed like a lifetime as she approached the door.

Just as she got there, she heard Steve say, "Hey, Hey. Wait a minute."

She stopped, frozen by his words.

"Hey, don't you want a tip or anything.", Steve said as he walked towards the door.

Jennifer didn't say anything, she didn't know what to say.

"Don't you speak English?", Steve added, sounding abit condescending.

"Mar ha ba", said Jennifer, not knowing any other Arabic, but knowing Steve didn't know any either.

Steve handed her a xx note.

"Mar ha ba", she said shaking her head and she quickly turned to leave.

Steve stood there and watched as she turned to leave. Her eyes looked strangely familiar. His gaze ran down her body. Under that black robe she could have been anyone. She might have been the ugliest woman in Z and he won't have known.

He turned and headed back towards the kitchen.

He felt a damp spot on the rug under his feet. Looking down he noticed the set of damp footprints leading from the bathroom.

Those eyes, he thought, he knew who's they were. There were Jennifer's, she was trying to slip out of the room. He didn't know why, but he had to stop her.

He turned again, "Hey. Stop." He yelled.

Jennifer froze again. She was had. The government was bungling this rescue attempt even before it started.

She slowly turned as Steve quickly approached her.

"Steve, what's going on out there."

It sounded like Jennifer, but she hadn't said anything. It sounded like it had come from the bathroom, not where she was standing.

Steve stopped. He looked very puzzled. "Honey?" he said in a puzzled tone.

"Steve, what is going on out there, you sound like you are yelling at someone."

Jennifer walked out from the bedroom with a towel rapped around her body.

Well it certainly looked like Jennifer, her long blonde hair was wet and messed up just as she had looked when she had stepped out of the shower. However, it wasn't Jennifer. Jennifer and her wet hair were really standing there at the door under the black robe and head dress.

"Oh, honey. It is nothing. You know none of these women speak any English. I just wanted to make sure we get towels tomorrow.", Steve said.

"Steve, is breakfast here yet."

"No Honey, it should be here shortly." He looked at the young Muslin woman, she must have gotten wet feet while she was in the bathroom. He waved his hands at her, indicating she should leave.

Jennifer sighed, a soft sigh and left the room. With in an hour she was on the train and on her way to safety.

"O.K. then. I need to dry my hair and get dressed." The new Jennifer said returning to the bedroom

She walked into the bathroom. She closed the door.

She was now alone. She took a deep breath. That had been close. Mr. X looked at his disguise.

He looked terrible, it took time to get the disguise prefect. He had just had enough time to pull the body mask on when he heard the commotion in the living room.

One ear was not fully in place. Dropping the towels it was obvious Jennifer's breasts were not quite right and her crotch was all wrong.

The body mask, Mr. X was wearing, had been designed to cover only about half his body, from the crotch up. A full body suit took awhile to put on and left a telltale seam up the back of the suit. The suit he was wearing today only went down to the crotch. The wearer slip it on over one's head. It covered the head, neck, torso, arms and hands. It continued down to the crotch, ending in the folds of his legs, the seam raising from there and continuing around to his ass where it headed back down between his legs where it met the front crotch piece. It followed Jennifer's swimsuit line, when properly fitted the seam would appear to be just Jennifer's tan line. And that was it's biggest advantage, no visible seams, even when completely nude.

In his rush, Mr. X had only had time to pull it on, Jennifer's breasts were still very high on his chest and her vaginal crotch piece looked strangely out of place hanging just about his own male parts.

Mr. X had done the disguise trick many times before and he knew that people often times just saw and heard what they wanted to.

When Steve heard Jennifer's voice still in the bathroom, it was only natural for him to "realize his mistake". Who else could it have been? Jennifer's basic form appearing at the bedroom door only confirmed it.

Her wet and messy hair, were enough of a visual distraction for him not to notice the other things that were still not quite right. The towel had just been long enough to cover Jennifer's out of place breast and his hanging male parts at the same time.

Mr. X now finished pulling his new body on. His new breasts slid into their proper place on his new smooth totally hairless chest. He pulled the crotch piece down and slipped his own parts into a rubber sleeve before securing Jennifer's new vagina in place.

© 2000

The above work is copyrighted material. Anyone wishing to copy, archive, or re-post this story must contact the author for permission.