Mecha Gazoo Inc.

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E-mail Mecha Gazoo with comments or news. E-mail Mecha Gazoo with comments or news.

September 27, 2005: Hooray for college! JMU r0><0rs. Nothing new. Ever. I mainly just use this site for file storage now. Meh.
March 20 2005: Kirby moves all personal info to XANGA. This site is strictly for goofyness now. That is all.
August 16 2004: So much for the semi-regular updates, eh? Anywho, after an all too short vacation in Tennessee, we're back on track for what's left of the summer. I'm gonna be visiting colleges this Saturday, so this is your chance to put me farther behind schedule by sending in an invention... Please?

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Employee Standards:

1) All employees are treated with respect and dignity. ()
2) Our employees get great health benefits. (CLICK HERE TO SEE!)
3) We are an equal opportunity employer.

Uh... Hi. My name is Metool. You may know me from such video games as Mega Man, or Mega Man X. My fellows and I were created by Capcom, and the good folks there have all the rights to their characters. The Great Gazoo, the pattern for Mecha Gazoo, was created by Hanna Barbara for "The Flintstones". Other video game characters lurking around the site may include characters such as Kirby from Nintendo. This being said, enjoy Mecha Gazoo Inc.