A Funny Thing Happened Today

The Great Mud Suck Experience

I have a small acreage with a stocked pond. I thought it would be a really relaxing place to go until I started trying to get a modular home put out there. Getting someone to bush hog, clear trees, level the land, put in power, water and septic tank turned into a 7 month hassel but I finally got it done.

Since the modular started to slide when they jacked it up to get the blocks under it, I went out after a heavy rain week to check and make sure I didn't have a houseboat. The tie downs still weren't in place.

My land is almost all clay so it gets really slick and mucky. I was walking up to the trailer and stepped where they had trenched for the water line. I was immediately sucked to my knees in clay. The harder I tried to get out the stuckier I got. My son had to drag me out.

My shoes were sucked right off and being my new Berkenstocks, I made my son dig them out. He was shoulder deep reaching into the mud but did save them.

The next problem was what to wear. My jeans were saturated with mud (three trips through the washing machine hasn't got it yet). The only thing I could find in the old clothes I had put out there for rags or emergency clothing was thermal underwear

Having no other choice, in 90 degree humid, muggy damp weather, I donned my thermals.

Making sure there were no cars coming along the county road, I made a dash from the trailer to the shelter and air conditioning of my van. Low and behold-I got the van stuck. After a few attempts and some digging, I let my son go down the road for help.

My neighbor is really wonderful. He didn't even bat an eye at seeing me standing in the mud in my long johns.

My second experience with mud out there was when we went to put down the vapor barrier. Large 10'X 100' strips of a plastic barrier are laid out under the trailer before the skirting is put on. This keeps moisture from coming up.

I laid down on my stomach and crawled under the trailer with my plastic rolls. I had nothing to worry about. So what if I got dirty-I finally had water, and electricity and could take a shower before I went back to town.

I did not know that my son had turned the water off under the trailer when he and my Dad were trying to figure out if I had a leak, condensation or if it was the water draining from the air conditioner. After they decided that it was the air conditioner drain, they didn't turn the water back on. Mike and Dad headed back to town and left me, mud saturated again to clean up before I headed back.

Very pleased with myself for having gotten the barren down, I trotted into the bath and stripped off my ucky muddy clothes, jumped in the shower and........no water.

Since my dirty clothes were mud saturated, I couldn't get them pulled back on, and being mud saturated myself, I did not want to muck up the clean clothes I had brought along. I certainly did not want to muck up my only towel either.

My only alternative was to grab a plastic table cloth for cover and head outside to crawl underneath to turn on the water. I checked for cars and scrambled on out to get the water turned on. All was fine til---struggling to get back up on my feet my neighbor popped up over the hill and waved as he went by.

Once again, there I was in the mud, and filthy dirty. I don't know if it was worse to have been caught in my long johns or without them and only a table cloth.

Since I have about 3 feet of hair, I have a lot of bad hair days. The worst is in the winter when static electricitiy is rampant in our office. When I walk between the cubicles, my hair clings to either side of the walls. I look like a brown peacock in bloom.

I also have problems with my electric car window. I am forever rolling up the window with my hair on the outside---makes it extremely difficult to look both ways.
Well-another Monday at the office. I was talking to my boss and sorta sat back on my desk. As I did, I slid the pencil drawer shut and caught the tail of my tunic blouse in it. It got stuck and I couldn't stand-up, I couldn't get the drawer open to get my shirt tail out. I had to get help. I ended up laying back on the desk with my legs in the air so they could get to the drawer and pry it open to get me loose. It wouldn't have been too bad but we had guests in the office. Oh, shame and humiliation....


Well-I finally did it.

Yesterday was a bad hair day and a Monday. Due to all the rain and flooding in the area (we live close to the Mississippi River) I had water standing in the crawl space under my house. I called a plumber to come pump it out. Everything was great until I was rolling up the hose afterward. I was making sure that as it went on the reel that it didn't kink. I got my hair caught in the reel. I was still stuck in the backyard when the plumber came back for his tools and had to get me lose.

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