So, I go on an interview this past Friday. The

interview occurs at a well-established and respected

global company. The office is located in North

Raleigh. I take a half-day of from work (amazingly

they let me) and I go to the interview.


Which of course, is exceedingly boring news for those

of you that don't really follow my life story or care

too much about my job (ie, all of you out there not

named Clay). Of course, any of you that know me even

in the slightest must be guessing at least five things

by now:

1)      I got into a car accident

2)      I screwed up the interview

3)      This email will be long and hopefully funny

4)      I am bored yet again

5)      I didn't get laid


Amazingly not all five are true this time; I managed

to arrive in tact. That was only the beginning

however. Instead of drawing out this email, I think I

will be more concise and make a game out of the event.

So here goes,


Which of the following did NOT occur during the

interview in question:

1)      I was subjected to a receptionist who was a

complete moron that I wanted to strangle. This person

was completely inept in every way and may have eaten

my application.

2)      I unabashedly stared/gawked at some of the female

employees of the firm I was interviewing with.

3)      I broke the display version of the latest product


4)      I used the phrase, "They're just insane" in a

question answer.

5)      I belched.

6)      I belched second (ie, after an interviewer


7)      I got confused by the bathroom trashcan.

8)      I got lost in the building.

9)      I got laid

