Let’s go shopping!

First, let me correct an error from my last email. I was not playing Galaga in the Detroit airport, but rather another of my favorites – Arkanoid. Oh yes, that game rules. I, however, was correct in reporting that I sucked at it.

Now I decided the first thing I should do was investigate the locals mall(s). I figured maybe I’d get a jacket and go walking/running along the river (bike path). As it turns out there is a nice mall here. South Park Mall actually, forgot to bring camera out that day. Last week I stayed in a town called Beaver Dam. Huh, I said, beaver. I then ventured across the state line into cornville, otherwise known as Iowa. They had an even bigger, better mall.

At both malls (and the ones back in WI) I noticed the same thing: huge JC Penny stores. I mean, more bricks than a brickyard These stores double as bomb shelters. At these particular malls, there were nice sales on men’s clothes but I once again was remind that, no, in fact, I have not gotten any taller lately and so I couldn’t get any nice pants. Ugh. The good news was while the women here are still not terribly attractive, they do seem to weigh less on the whole and are still not chain-smokers.

Back at the hotel I was pleasantly surprised as well. Large Holiday Inn. Nothing fancy, but they do have their own video game room, air hockey and ping pong. They also have 2 indoor pools and a Jacuzzi. Also a bar/lounge, restaurant and fake 3-level waterfall. The game room has Galaga, but not Ms Pac-Man. Unfortunately the joystick was broken. I also have a cool massage shower head and small hair dryer.

Here the roads are nice and speed limits quite good. The main city I’m at in IL is Moline and in IA is Davenport. Both are larger than my previous stop (Beaver Dam/Horicon) but not as good as Madison. Still, there is plenty to do (other than bowling). My hotel is close to the airport and work so I have gotten lost less often and travel time is a minimum.

Now, this is not to say everything has been perfect. I understand the phrase, "too much of a good thing is bad." Although I still can’t see this applying to oral sex, it certainly does apply to food. "Travelling on the company is great because they pay for nice meals." Except I’m a tiny little man. Seriously, are the average portions for Polar Bears? I mean, damn, that’s a lot of food. I actually think I’m going to explode, or at the very least have to pay more to ship myself back home. I do like trying new restaurants and eating the nice stuff though.

Alas, all has not been without mishap. I did get locked out of my hotel room. No, I didn’t forget or lose my key card, it simply wouldn’t work. The lady at the desk thought since it was electronic it should work. Little did she know about me and all things electrical/computer. Apparently the last guy in my room got drunk and/or stupid and broke the bolt lock. They fixed that as well.

Finally, on my trip home last week I reconnected the scanner for my brother’s computer. Now his CD drive won’t play games. Who knew?!

Well, I fly home tomorrow (Friday) and then off to Charlotte by train Saturday morning. I did manage to not totally break anything last time in Charlotte so here’s hoping.