Why trying to do too much sucks

Well, one, because it’s a lot of effort. Hmm, seems we only need one reason.

So again, the badness starts in the bathroom. In preparing for our building move, the folks decided we needed a ‘Clean Up Day’. Fine. So the slogan for this little event is "Purge! Purge! Purge!". Which is of course the sign they posted on the Men’s Room door. Nice. But it gets worse (oh, it always gets worse). Now I’m in the throne and I notice the throne appears to be desecrated. In that the seat, normally a mostly straight piece, actually has ‘kinks’ in it. I stared. I couldn’t figure out why someone would want to do that to a seat. I mean, they made it that way – on purpose.

Well, being a emergency power dumper by nature, I didn’t have much time to contemplate the wrongness of the sculptor before it was time to get down to business. Which was markedly more uncomfortable and difficult sitting in the ‘crane’ position this ‘kinked’ seat forced me into. I tried maneuvering myself around the seat until there was no real discomfort. At this point I’m sitting somewhat back, which you would think my be comfortable (like a recliner). Except now my feet aren’t really touching the ground, and I had this urge to grab the seat. It’s almost like they expect you to lean back, hold on, and explode the shit out of your ass.

And now I’m scared to meet the man who came up with this design. What the hell must his bathroom experiences be like?! Whoah nelly. Well, I survived. But not for long.

Soon it was time to go home. I left early to go by the rental car place and pick up my car. Instead I went home for a short nap. Of course I woke up at 6pm, exactly when they closed. I called, no answer. Of course. The problem is I have to leave for Charlotte in the morning, which means I need to get on the interstate early to avoid traffic. As it was, even leaving at 7 I might get there by 10:30, just in time for an 11-1 meeting, then drive back in time to swap cars, change and get out to volleyball.

But now I’m also late for Ultimate. Finally I get there, skip stretching and jump right in the game. And then the belching began. I don’t think that stopped until I hit Charlotte the next day. Wow, that was a lot of belching. Even for me. But there were a lot of babes out, so I was happy. Well, except all the pain. Mostly in my calves, some on a knee I don’t think will ever have skin on it again, and on up to my back. At least this week I didn’t get racked.

By the end of the game I’m actually feeling ill. Because of all my previous stupidity I forgot to eat. And I was still recovering from a cold. And I’m a wuss. So I go home dazed and feeling like I’m going to puke. And yet I still couldn’t sleep (note: this is the 350th of 365 days over the last year I have not been able to get to sleep before midnight). Again with the alarm, always harassing me. I get ready and rive out to the rental place early. Hoping either to catch a guy coming in early or at least get breakfast (this ‘or’ problem will surface later. They always do).

I did catch a break, and a guy was there early. I explained what happened, he felt bad about no one catching my call (it was literally 6:02pm when I had called). So he agrees to open up and process my stuff. Now he even says he can upgrade me because all they have is a Saturn and a small pickup. Well, I didn’t want to ‘upgrade’ to a pickup, because trucks usually suck. Until I figured out that was the only vehicle with cruise control. Hell, then I wouldn’t taken a forklift.

As it turns out, the truck was not only electronically loaded, it had some get up and go. But not too much to start with as it had no gas. None. The light was on. The guy was apologizing, I was in a hurry. Not to worry though, there was a gas station next door. I got there and miss my chance for free gas. The previous customer had paid w/ credit card and didn’t fully replace the handle and drove off. Which means I can pump gas on his card. Being stupid, I went to another pump. Didn’t really matter, I wasn’t actually paying for the gas either way.

Next up: Going Down to South (Charlotte)