Why I Shouldn’t Golf

Because I suck. Oh, I definitely shouldn’t play golf. Or at least I shouldn’t expect to play well. Man, I suck. Well, it was Saturday, Day 2 of the Jaycee Mountain Trip, and I figured I should enjoy myself. Why I thought yelling at a small ball all day was enjoyment, I don’t know. Regardless, the weather was nice, and I damn sure couldn’t withstand hiking. So Chris and I decided to go golfing.

Of course we get there 10minutes late and thus got stuck behind the daily ‘Old Guys’ tourny. Damn. Having and hour to kill, we decide to venture back into town, specifically Appalachian State campus. This was a bad idea. First, I think I broke my neck trying to stare so much. Second, Chris now made me try to find the Admin Building so he could find out if he could get his MBA there. Of course we got lost and never found such a building. But the scenery was nice.

Back to the course. The first shot usually sets the pace. Even after my Mulligan, I knew it was going to be ugly. Immediately slicing off the tee and into some hay/rough. Damn. This would be the same for the next 4 holes. Finally Chris told me to stop using the woods and stick with an iron. Since I had used only the 5 iron to that point, I stayed with that. A lot. I mean, I must’ve taken 500 shots that day, 80% of them with this 5 iron. Damn. I actually got pretty good hitting with it, but usually a tree or stream would get in the way and ruin an otherwise perfect shot.

The weather and course were great though. Except the greens. Sand in the grass. Odd. It wasn’t good, but hell, it was almost Thanksgiving and I was out playing golf so who cares. Of course by Hole 16, even riding the cart, my feet were broken down. All the walking looking for lost balls and the previous days mountain biking was definitely taking its toll. Ugh. But it was warm dammit!

Almost warm enough for shorts. Which is exactly the reason we went out the night before to the local mall looking for shorts. People looked at us like we were weirdos, wanting shorts in the winter and all. Always looking to turn a negative into a positive, we focused on what we knew best – staring at babes under 21! Woohoo.

Which of course is about all the ‘action’ I would see that weekend. Unless you count Matt Curran sitting on my chest, ‘action’.