Episode II - Sunday (part 2)

Now my feet were hurting but that wasn’t going to prevent me from going out to volleyball, especially since I didn’t play Saturday. After 2 games of crazy sixes, I decided it was time for two-man. And this is why I shouldn’t be a decision maker.

I don’t know how wide a court is, but if you totaled it up, I think I ran a marathon while we played. Worse is I managed to overdo it on my arms and so today it hurts to type. Ugh. But that’s ok because a bunch of us went out to catch the end of the Canes game, which was intense. Aside from that, there was enough dysfunctional amusement at the table to amuse me for hours. Sadly, I was part of my own amusement.

Then I got to go home and shower. Or not. The heater was out and it was getting colder. So I tried to fix it. Yeah, the odds of that working were slim. So we called the landlord and got him to fix it. Sad comment for the day: when I was trying to turn the outside gas valve on and couldn’t budge it, my ever-so-friendly landlord jokes, “now reach down, pull off your panties and then turn the damn knob.” But that wouldn’t be the funniest thing I heard all night.

That would have to have come from a stranger. Susan was trying to call someone and dialed the wrong number. A guy comes on and then she realizes her mistake:
Susan: ha, you don’t sound like my mom.
Guy: I have a sore throat.
I still can’t fucking stop laughing.

Better is he continued with, “can you bring over some chicken soup?” to which she naturally replied, “I’ll be right over” and hung up. Holy crap that was funny.

Shortly there after I just couldn’t take it anymore and went to bed. Sometime shortly after that, the heater went out again. Ugh.

That’s the Gnews for this weekend, hope yours was as entertaining,
Clay “Yoda IS the Master” Berry