PT Gone Wrong

But let's talk now about things that can go wrong in the PT's office. Some of the basic things they want to do for my recovery is stretch out my calves and hamstrings. Fine.

We start with heat on the calves. This is done with a giant heated blanked laid over my legs. I'm on my stomach on the table. At this point I notice a few things:
1) I'm tired. This is early in the morning.
2) warm is good. Too cold outside.
3) there is a slot cut out (on purpose) in the table.
It's the last that disturbs me, but it's the first two together that makes me understand the last. At first I thought the slot was so you could place your face in there so you wouldn't be uncomfortable (nose crushing, etc).

Nope, it's for the drool. 2 minutes in and I'm about passed out on the table. At this point I'm actually trying to see if I can get either another one of those cool giant blankets, or if that one will stretch far enough to cover me. And I'm certainly considering not going into work and telling the helper person to reset the timer to 2hrs.

But not everything here is so comfortable. The next thing is for me to roll over and then lift my leg up to stretch the quads. Now one of the Assistants is doing this. A guy I thought was a nice young man until he started to rip the tendons out of my knee. Actually not his fault, but something wasn't right.

Next I rollover and we get the reverse bend/stretch. So he rotates me feet up towards my thighs. At some point I'm supposed to feel my hamstrings tighten up. I don't know about that, but I did feel it when he tried to shove my toes up my ass. Ugh.

Amazingly I've yet to get lost in the building. Unfortunately, unlike every other PT place in town, this has very few women. Dammit. I mean, you have your choices of guys: all shapes, sizes, races, anything.

Oh well, as long as I get my nap.