The good news is I know no one is ever going to bomb me down. Mainly because they wouldn’t be able to find me. This past weekend I had to forego the Carowinds trip due to my feet problems. So instead we decided to go over to Durham and play some disc golf. Part of the key was getting up early Saturday so we could get out there and have plenty of times to rest and to try more than one course. The plan was to leave Chris’s at 10am.

After you make a plan, only two things can happen. One, the plan goes astray and you end up with something less than hoped for. Two, the plan, and the directions, get lost and/or forgotten, and you end up lost and starving on the side of the road. Fortunately it wasn’t as bad as option 2 – we had M&Ms.

The first thing to go wrong was the weather. It was raining pretty heavily that morning. Having sent out an email earlier about ‘rain or shine’ however, I was prepared to leave. Of course, most of the others were still asleep. Many phone calls and naps later, we leave a little after noon. Since Jim was joining us, he drove to Chris’ to meet us. Which is exactly why on the way out we drove back by his house.

Not only should we have picked him up in the first place, we should’ve realize our initial error and had him drive back to his place then. Nonetheless, he needed a long sleeve shirt, and we needed M&Ms. Apparently the whole 1lb bag. This seemed like a lot of candy for a 20-25min drive.

Now, we knew this park was off Cornwallis somewhere and we even had some half-assed directions coming from a different way. A few of us had been there before and some worked in the area. So we should have been ok. Except Cornwallis is a long street that doesn’t always stay Cornwallis, and sometimes it picks up again later, like it wasn’t even connected to the original.

Well, we found a park. Not the park mind you, but a park. There’s a softball team playing so we’re going to ask one of them. Chris spots a babe and Jim goes to ask her for directions. At one point we think Jim has left us to play softball instead. I can’t say I blame him. Finally he returns.

"Did you get directions?"

"I don’t know."

Not only did the directions sound weird, Jim had to ruin our fantasy and let us know she wasn’t actually a babe. But she was a Duke Law grad so Chris was willing to forego babeness for house-husbandry. Fair enough. So now we’re trying to follow her cryptic directions.

Roxboro seemed to be a popular street. As did Fayetville, Lookout something and a lot of streets names Forest Hills. Oh look, there’s Roxboro again. 147? Perhaps we should stop for directions? Ok, we do. Perhaps we should stop somewhere where they speak English? Second try. "Ohhhh, Cornwallis is a lonnnng road." Ugh. And why all the bars on the windows mister?

Ok, he said back to Cornwallis and find Wade or something. Hmm, we’ve seen these 30 streets before, where’s Wade? Now we’re in a parking lot. Hmm. Let’s ask that cop. At this point we’re actually so punchy we’re trying to bet whether he would pull his gun if you charged his car. Thankfully he has a map. Susan was actually contemplating ripping the page out and running.

Of course he gives us directions and we are confident that now we will find it. Which is exactly why we didn’t even get out of the parking lot correctly. Dammit. Now I want you to know we have 5 people in this car, with 8 college degrees and we have already spent over an hour trying to find the place. And I am not the one driving or navigating!

Well, we finally find the place. The only good thing about taking that long to find it is now no matter how bad we play we’ll be happy just to finally be playing. Which is good, because good Lord did we suck. At least it was no longer raining. There were a lot of trees on this course. And we hit every one of them. Sometimes twice. Dammit.

Well, we finally get through this course (and it’s a short one) and decide we haven’t had enough pain, we need to find the other one in Durham.

Next up: Boonhauer speaks!