What a Wacky Weekend: Sunday

Ok, so after Church it's time for a little golf. And I mean, only a little golf was played, the rest was just whacking a ball with a stick. The sun was out, it was warm, and 8 of us decided to tee off. Of course, as soon as we got to Hole #1, we noticed a problem. The gale force winds. I mean, WTF? I had to go change into warm clothes, ugh.

Now I could use this as an excuse as to why I played so bad. But even that wouldn't explain it. All day long I duffed off the tee. It was worse with a wood than an iron actually. But I didn't feel too bad when one of our group aid, "I don't really care about keeping score, I'm just here for the drinking." Later I found out someone I the other foursome hurt his fingers. How that happened, I don't know.

So here's a typical hole for Clay. Hole #4. A straight, unobstructed 194yds. For Andy, I think this was a 7iron, for me it was a 3wood. So I duffed it right off the tee, dribbling into the brush on the right about 10 feet ahead. I teed up another (the obligatory 'anger shot'). Same result. So I drop the ball back into play and I'm hitting a 5iron for my 3rd stroke. I still have a clear shot, to my right about 20 feet right and 20 feet forward is a lightpole.

No, even I didn't manage to shank it into the pole. Instead, I actually shot it straight up into the air and hit a light on the pole. Dammit man, that's not even possible. After clanging off the light (leaving a clear dent), it lands naturally on the ladies tee box. Then I'm in the sand. Then I'm in the sand. Finally on the green, and finish with a 7. This is a Par3 course. Damn.

Finally the brutal day of 'stickball in a hurricane' was over and we adjourned to a nearby bar to watch NC State. We made it through dinner and the first half. I managed to pull the usual 'Clay' and find all the married women in the joint (one of whom had to be a current or ex stripper/dancer). Discouraged and tired, I went home and listened to the rest of the game and went to bed.