Tuesday is Monday too?!

Ok, so here we are again. Day 2 of class. Knowing the instructor likes to get there early, it would be good if I were there early. Which is exactly why I left late and got stuck behind 239 accidents. Not only is he waiting on me, but the food delivery got there and apparently left without delivering since door wasn't open. But at least the computers should be set up today!

Let's just say 'should' is an evil word. Now the night before I spent time swapping out the newly repaired CPU with mine, so I could get mine back. This is of course why nothing was working on it, even though I checked it over. Worse, others computers, which were working the day before, simply refuse to cooperate this day. So I just start rebooting, what the hell.

So where's the food? I go to the café to find out. They tell me they delivered it to the outside, back of the room. Why outside and why the wrong room? Ugh. So now I'm walking food back and forth. Lots of walking again. Ugh. Finally everything is setup but again I don't get to eat.

Instead I go back to Fuquay. Which is just me breaking more things. Then late to lunch and not even good lunch. I work for a bit longer then back to Cary. Which is bad because my boos went down to Fuquay. Not to find me specifically I don't think but I do think there was some amount of 'checking up on m' planned. Ugh.

Now the guy from Mallett wants to visit the class. Having just checked in on them I said "sure, come on over". He gets there a little over an hour later and we chat. Then we go to the class to of course discover they've gotten out early and gone home.

As do I eventually. To tired and sore to work out, I instead go home to take another practice GMAT. If that doesn't say 'party', I don't know what does. I finish this and my brain hurts. So instead of going out to watch basketball I go over to Chris's to watch a bad movie he picked out.

The Caveman's Valentine. And it's not what you think. That may have been good. This has Samuel L Jackson in it and he doesn't even kick anyone's ass. Dammit. It was good in an "at least I'm a different movie" kind of way. Just so you know, the main character, who is a whacked out former pianist (had to say it), that now lives in a cave in Central Park and smells most of the time, actually scores. This depresses me.

So I go home and go to bed.

Next up: Holy crap, Batman, it's Monday again