World Domination! -Part 1: Friday

Yes, that’s what all weekends should lead up to, but first, how did we get there? By loafing of course. And the best way to do that is to not be at work. Woohoo, half day vacation! Since I was on dog duty anyway, I took one of the large mongrels out with me to the lake for a jog. I did at least get my mile in before my foot gave out again. Dammit. Nonetheless, there were plenty of jogging NCSU babes to drool at. Then home for a couch nap.

Which gave me enough energy to go out that night to the Museum of Art to see DELEDEWOoD Touche (some weird guys name who did the crap for Moulon Ruge). In my expert art opinion, this looked like a bunch of bad cartoons, and there was too much orange. Nonetheless, this guy did do this stuff on a rock, and they were at least large pictures (poster size). And he was pretty short, so I felt the connection of, “yes, I’m short, and I can’t paint worth a shit.”

You know it’s going to be a great cultural experience when you’re leaving the house and one of your female friends says, “hope you see some good lesbians.” Well, we didn’t. Though we did see a nice gay couple. This trip was a Jaycee event for us and so we are not counting any of those in the group in any of this kind of human objectification. Jarhead got mixed reviews and the only possible single woman there was with her parents, way too into art, and Chris’s technical recruiter. Cute though.

At least they had couches. Oh yeah. So after about 5 minutes, I was bored. Turns out it took the other folks a lot longer than this to come to the same conclusion. That’s the problem with being a genius – always having to wait on the regular folk. Anyway, geniuses need food too, so we all headed to a nearby restaurant. Now this was an amusing dinner.

At least our end of the table was amusing. While the other folks were talking about EF Hutton, we were being perverted with Slim Jim talk and comparing intestinal disorders. Now, if that doesn’t make great dinner conversation, I don’t know what does. Eventually we left. Which was probably good so none of us would be tempted into hitting on the 16 year old hostess. Ha.

Next up: Saturday