World Domination! Part 3 - Sunday: the finale

Again with the dogs. But it was raining so I easily got back to sleep. Too much actually, now I was late for church. After that I got over to Chris's to make some CDs and watch NCSU vs FSU. Although a good game, Chris's boredom overcame him and we had to go watch a movie.

Now here's how cheap we are - coupons to the $2 show. Oh yeah, free baby. While this did limit our choices, we managed to find an odd gem among the crap - Bandits. Bruce Willis, Billy Bob Thornton and some redheaded babe. And yes, you should think of that as an odd 3some. I won't give the plot away but after watching that whack job 'Terry' (Billy Bob) end up having a good life, there's hope for me yet.

Sadly coming out of the theater more tired than we went in, it was time to go home, finish CDs and get over to Gil's for a "Dining-In". For those not familiar with the Jaycees, this is a fundraiser where the host makes a meal and the guests donate cash for the cause. Gil, in an annual tradition, also makes this part of a RISK night. Yes, everyone gets to play RISK (many boards) while they dine.

I'm there, dude. On a drizzly day, nothing better than the beef stew and biscuits. And let's talk about these biscuits for a second. How much fat is in a biscuit? I don't know, but it must be a lot, because that's what I wanted. Now me, Austin, Sharon and Gaines sit down for our game of RISK and dinner. Before we've started our first turn, we're already getting seconds on the food.

Frankly, I don't need this much food. Which is exactly why Lizzie came around with the biscuits. It wasn't enough to make them, now she had to feed them to us. The game itself was fun. Very balanced actually and all of us having a good time. Until I went up to get us even more biscuits. No more biscuits!

Clearly this was a bad sign. We were still playing and hungry, how was I going to satisfy my need to expand? Exactly - banana pudding. Dammit woman, it's like you're trying to kill me. Although I still don't know what I'm doing wrong in order to end up single, I know damn well strutting around like the Pillsbury Doughboy isn't going to help. This is of course what I thought of AFTER I ate the pudding.

But there's one thing that overcomes my shortcomings, and that's power. Sharon was obviously not afraid to use the feminine wiles on us men. And I have to admit her flirting to prevent me attacking may have worked if the timing were better. I simply can't eat that much and maintain focus!

So 'death by pudding' it was as finally all on one turn I defeated my enemies and ran the table. The interesting part was we had all been so nice throughout the evening we were actually encouraging good strategies, even if it meant getting ourselves in trouble. So this final 'turn of terror' was actually more of a friendly franchise in order to efficiently end the game which we so enjoyed.

So no, I didn't pull a "Hudson Hawk" and scream, "World…Domination!", but I did feel satisfied that I too could enjoy a good time amongst friends, even while watching little plastic men die.

Hope your weekend was as fun and safe, Clay "Napoleon without the attitude" Berry