Since the hurricane winds were still around, I decided to build a sand castle. Apparently people have no imagination and thus any rounded castle is automatically a Peace symbol or steering wheel! Ugh. Once I had the walkways up, the guardhouse and the end outposts, it became a little clearer. The waterway inlet and central structure helped some more. I added more housing in the back area, on top of piers (hard to make supports). The ‘spokes’ were bridges from the central hub to the walls because the interior was water (I don’t think most people got that). I cut out the passageways and ta da. To be more fun, I added a ‘T’ water gate situation in front of the gate house to allow water passage both in and out of the main castle area and also from one side to the other. Thus I could open the ‘In’, allow the enemy ship in, open the ‘across’ and allow my smaller assassin boats to cross for the kill. After which I would raise the gate to the external shark pit. Oh yes, I had a lot of fun with this.

Being out at the beach, we needed food. And what better beach food than seafood? Pizza apparently. The first night we did actually find the intended restaurant. So did everyone else. And I mean everyone. Instead of waiting there the 2.5hrs, we decided to drive around for 2.5hrs. Well, at least some of our group did. Fortunately I was riding with Scott, who actually knew where to go. But no one else did, so we waited there for them. And of course, no one brought their cell phones. Eventually I’m getting dive bombed by killer bugs, Amanda is contemplating 16yr old Wendy’s workers, Bryan finally shows up and someone besides me (Caitlin) is ordering a pizza w/ no cheese. Smooth, that’s what we’re all about.

Now the second night we did manage to find seafood. In a nice restaurant too. Which is why I had on shorts and a t-shirt. The woman in me had actually bothered to bring decent clothes, but I wasted that on Pizza Slut. Now I don’t know how long we were at this place, but it was fun from start to finish. We have 5 tables of 4 in this place, with a 15 minutes call ahead. Good job. I’m just going to assume our table was the most fun. Basically I can say this because it started off immediately with the waiter saying, "So, how do you guys all know each other", to which our (unnamed) friend replies, "We met on the internet." Although now scared, he did do a good job.

Our table spent a good amount of time on the aforementioned sex survey because Chris hadn’t taken it. And then he had to lobby for points. At one point, he had people from other tables smelling him. Just not right. We also managed to cover such classic topics as ‘bad hair’ and ‘wide asses’. The three of them had some nice wine, our unnamed friend was forcing food on others, one of us had a small bladder, and at one point a girl from one table was sitting in another girls lap.

But the best might have been when Julie from the next table had to tell all the guys to look out the window at what can only be known as "The Parade of Boobs". Apparently someone’s ship had come in, and he must’ve been rich. But we made our own show as well, as some of us decided to do the stand and spin for an ass check (definitely passed btw), we got back to bad hair (men’s) and finally had desert. Not a huge desert fan ("Frankly, I’d rather have another steak"), I can say I like a good cake. And this was a good cake. Rich chocolate with caramel layers, nice plate syrup presentation and candy on top. And some ice cream apparently but I was focused on the cake.

We did eventually leave. Well, we tried. In an apparent payback move for our loudness, the waitstaff decided to play ‘hide the girls sweater’. Eventually we found both the sweater and our car and decided to take off for the dance club.

Tune in tomorrow when you’ll hear, "Is that guy doing ‘The Beavis’?"