Memorial Day Weekend - Golf (4/4)

But we're not safe yet. Several times this day, Richard has managed to actually hit down into another fairway. In one instance, I think it was simply to get a closer look at the babe playing, but I wasn't arguing either. In this case, it led us down to a gravel road. The next thing I know I hear the ball hit a backhoe and we later find it in a garage. What the hell is the rule on that?

Eventually we finished. Hell, we were 'done' a long time sooner, but finally quit back at the clubhouse. On the good notes, Richard managed to out drive me most of the day with him using a short (for him) 8-iron compared to me using my 3-wood. We ended up with 2 tees somehow and neither of us shot higher than a 12 on any one hole (trust me, this is good).

We also saw a guy sink a ball into a green. On the 'signature' hole (a 177-yd downhill drop shot) some guy planted a ball into the green (it was more than half in). That was funny to see. Was this a lift and replace rule?

We also managed to have a blast. 4.5hrs of bullshitting, looking for balls, laughing (why is the phrase, "I seem to have shit my pants" so funny anyway?) and every now and then trying to play some golf.

Man I love camping,

PS - for the record I did manage one legitimate par (even off a shanked tee shot) and the course can be found at: