Memorial Day Weekend – When it rains… (2/2)

As it turns out the hotel had 2 minor distractions. Ms Pac-Man and The Addams Family. Long time readers will know that I had to play Ms Pac-Man in honor of Dave (Carlson). The Addams Family must be played simply because it’s there (duh). As it turns out, both were bad ideas.

Ms Pac-Man was kinda like the ‘slow’ version. Typically MPM is either ‘slow’ (the pac man and ghosts all move slowly) or ‘fast’ (everyone moves fast, making it more fun in my opinion). This was neither, it was ‘challenging’ (the pac-man moved at a sloth’s pace, whereas the ghosts were obviously fed amphetamines). How unbalanced was it? I didn’t even clear the first board!

The Addams Family at this particular place was just as annoying. First, the damn balls kept going down the side or straight down the middle, most of the time without me ever having a chance to hit them even once! No reset either. Ugh. The worst thing was it took forever for me to get ‘multiball’ because of this. For those with no common sense, ‘multiball’ is in fact the only reason to play a pinball game and easily the most amusing thing about it.

So on the 3rd ball of my 3rd game, I finally get multiball. So how could this be bad? You guessed it, the machine didn’t actually have any more balls. Holy crap was I pissed.

So I stomped on off to bed. But I couldn’t sleep. Which was the theoretical line of thinking for the show I watched, Insomnia. Something off Comedy Central which amused the hell out of me. Any show where a guy can mock the people he’s talking to to their face is alright with me. That, and dog track betting at 3am is cool. Can you bet on a dog to get hit by lighting?
