Enlist; do you have what it takes to become a Med-Jai warrior for God?  Take the test to find out! Roll Call; a list of all those who have come together with one thing in mind...to become a Med-Jai warrior Tasks to do in order to become of higher rank; submit art, pictures, poetry, short stories, informative and fun websites, and more
Equipment;  all one needs to become a Med-Jai:  weapons; camels and horses; pets; clothing; tatoos; hats; jewelry and more Residents' Page:  here you will find a list of members of MJWFG who do not have a website, but have pages on this site; view their adoptions, tattoos, awards, and the like just as others are able to see yours on you site ;) About the Warrior Leader; Curator of this and other websites
Welcome all to the Med-Jai Warriors for God base!  My name is Jennifer Hale (aka, Evy Ana Jones), but you may refer to me as Djed-nefer, which basically means "rejuvenating beauty" in Ancient Egyptian.  I am the founder and creator of this website as well as your warrior leader or princess, if you will.  However, I prefer the less girly appellation ;)  I will strive to be as helpful as I possibly can in order to guide you.
  I have created this site for those who would like to become Med-Jai Warriors or for those who are just as fascinated with Egyptology as I am.  To the right you will find a list of buttons on which you can click to navigate the warrior base.  If you like what you see and you are extremely interested in becoming a member of the warriors for God, then click on the "Enlist" button right away!  Your presence is needed.  Once you have enlisted, which consists of passing a small test of ability first, you will receive a e-mail from me, informing you of your results.  In this message, I will give you your test score out of ten.  If your score is from 6 to 10 that is evidence of passing; if your score is 5 or below, do not fret, for you can continue enlisting without end until you finally pass:)
  For those who are just curious about what this site has to offer and not interested in becoming a member, then, by all means, click around, have fun, and tell your friends about what you have seen!  I am sure there is something for everyone to enjoy here.  If not, just e-mail me at
med_jai_warrior_for_god@yahoo.com or sign the Guest Book of the Dead with any comments, questions or suggestions and I will be as prompt as I can in responding to them :)
Good luck and may God be with you, always!
Sign the Book of the Dead of Ani
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