Live Moon Phase Display
live moon phase display care of
The ruler of the dark and mysteries of the night.  The ruler of intuitiion and the tides. Since ancient times, the moon has been associated with woman and her fertility, with mystery, nurturing natures and silent prowess and power. It was once believed that women were made pregnant by moonbeams, and those desiring children would sleep out in the night, basking in the light of the moon. In many cultures the word for Moon and Menstration are the same or very similar.

                                           A LITTLE HISTORY

Since Ancient times, the cycle of the moon has been revered. Crop planting, new beginnings, prosperous ventures, etc were began on the waxing moon (the period when the moon is moving from new moon to full moon).  The waning moon (The period from full moon to dark moon) was a time to rid yourself of bad habits, negative people, etc.

*The Moon was believed to govern the moisture in the body and brain.  In 1660 an English astrologer declared that children born at the full Moon would never be healthy. Such children ran the risk of Moonstruck Madness, or LUNACY* (were you wondering where the term lunatic came from? Now you know! ;)
* The Encyclopedia of Witches & Witchcraft by Rosemary Ellen Guiley.
New Moon:     7/10/02
First Quarter:   7/17/02
Full Moon:       7/24/02
Last Quarter:    7/02/02