Isn't the doll at the top of the page adorable? It was a gift from Lavender Flame and was made by Sprite Diwata. You will find Diwata's site here. To see Lavender Flame's site, click on the button:
Well, that's me! I'm a mother of 2 and a seeker of the light. I believe that every faith has the right to exist in peace and respect. I don't lay claim to any one faith, but have found truth in all of the faiths I've studied so far. I am an ordained interfaith minister and  I am a witch by modern definition. I have a great respect for the Earth and her children.

Aside from playing with my little people and studying spirituality, I enjoy practicing yoga, art, writing, divination, meditation and recently, belly dancing (now me attempting this is quite amusing! I wish you could see it LOL).

Many of you haved asked about my divination methods, so I will try to include some info here. I usually use Tarot cards as a guide during a reading. While determining the general meanings of the cards I also commune with my spirit guides, the guides of the querant, and rely on clairvoyance (seeing beyond physical eyesight), clairaudience (hearing beyond physical hearing), clairsentience (feeling vibrations, emotions, includes empathetic and sympathetic) and a pendulum when needed. While it's not usually my goal to contact a departed loved one, occasionally they do contact me with information during the reading to be relayed to the querant. While I try to address the questions brought by the querant, oftentimes Spirit (universal title for the Divine Being(s) you choose to acknowledge) has a message or messages that need to be delivered. Each reading is different based largely on where the querant is in his or her path. Subjects addressed include but are not limited to: life goals, "callings" in life, aligning of self, attuning with Spirit, communing with Guides, and Karmic or past life issues affecting current life.

I hope you enjoy your stay at The Waking Moon! You'll find a lot of my own beliefs entwined in the info, but I'm trying to keep this a site that will welcome all faiths, so you're welcome to contact me with ideas, suggestions, etc!

May you find your path easily and always in the light!

Medea Moonfire