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MRCP exams are conducted by royal colleges of physicians of England, Edinborough, Glasgow.

It's a 2 part exam. Minimum 18 months have to pass after you obtain graduation to sit for part1 and 21/2 years of training to sit for part2. However before you do all these you need to make sure that  your degree is recognized. Best starting point probably is contacting one of the royal colleges.


What to read for part 1?

Kumar and Clark

Essential revision for MRCP by Philip Kalra

Basic science for MRCP 

MCQ books eg. pastest series, cork, online links, 

 past papers of 1990 and 1997 from rcp London

One year old journals

Got a Plan?

It's better to spend a sizable amount of time each day on preparation than last week round the clock cramming. read the text first. then try to solve MCQS.  Expect around 10% answers to be wrong in most books.

To guess or not to guess?

Attempt several mock exams. mark answers confedent, guess, and don't know. find out at the end if you are good guesser or how much confident you are.




Royal College of physicians England

Royal College of physicians Edinburg

Royal College of physicians Glasgow



mcqs.com, mrcp1.co.uk, ram's mrcpaed, mrcp1-bible, mrcp2 short case,mrcp.com



medical education resources,chest medicine, internal med for MRCP,pastest



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Last modified:
June 05, 2001