Poems, Prose, and Inner Explorations

Who am I today that I was not yesterday.  Who will I be tomorrow that I am not now.

    Life is a journey, an exploration, an adventure that unfolds before you  much like a new book we are in the process of reading.  How do we know what comes next?  Of course, in reading a book we may try to jump ahead, skim, read the end first.  But Can we know what comes next in life?  Some folks try to control, contain, constrain, restrain, restructure, manipulate, postulate.  But for me all of that is fortuitous.  For how can we have ultimate claim over that which is not absolute, not finite.  Can we really control the flow of time?  Can we truly dictate the fluidity of being, of living in a world, a place that moves with a rhythm that most cannot conceive of or allow to carry them to some extent?  It is this rhythm that provides the ultimate comfort - it is the rhythm of CHANGE.  Much like a story that moves through scenes, dialogue, memories, reflections, the ups, the downs, the in's, the out's, different people, different places, alternate views, diverse ways of being, the sickness, the vibrancy, the pennies, and the bills.  Change is what drives our lives. 

    And as I sit here sharing this reflection I am beginning to wonder, can change be absolute?  Is it perfect in quality, nature?  Is it complete?  Is it pure?  And at the risk of engendering all types of disagreement I will state unequivocally that change is pure, first and foremost.   Can we actually lay claim over change? We may try to redirect, thwart it, escape it.  But in some type of ephemeral perfection it remains in tact, coming in an unstoppable wave that sweeps us up, either destroying or working to build our inner core to a point of humility, resolve, and patience. 

Who am I today that I was not yesterday.  Who will I be tomorrow that I am not now.

I look forward to the unexpectedness life offers.  I have faith that no matter what change is a positive force.  In reckoning my place in this turbulent world, change provides my footing. It offers me the experience that makes me uniquely who I am, always.



Inner Explorations
