Dream Lodge Oil
Each night we take our nocturnal journey to our waiting Ancestors who teach us what we've only forgotten...
     Into the Dream Lodge we wander... meeting the False Faces of our innerself to learn what cycles and lessons are appearing in our daily lives for personal growth.
     When we are defeated, confused, isolated and fearful; our Ancestors lead us back towads balance in our Dream Lodge.  To 'awaken' to our dreamtime we've blended Rosemary, Basil, Mugwort and Chamomile for your dreamwork.  Use Dream Lodge Oil to ensure a sensual presence through your dreams applying it to a pillow, your forehead or palms of your hands as you rest.  Dream Lodge helps to process closure in your life, face daily challenges and to 'see' what is eluding us during our waking life.  Sleep well and restore yourself every night!
Retail price for a 5ml bottle