The Tuatha De Danaan were a people devoted to acquiring knowledge and spreading education.

"In the place they came from they had four great cities, were they fought their battle for learning".


It seems that each cities* was devoted to a particular branch of education.

Those four cities were called:

Falias (the great),

Gorias (the shining),

Finias, and

Murias (the richest and most southern).

Since Falias is named first I think it was the capital city.

"And in those cities, they had four wise men to teach their young people their skill (technonoly), knowledge (sciences) and perfect vision (philosophy)*".

Morias was the wise man in Falias (the capital) .

Urias (of noble nature) in Gorias.

Arias (the fair-haired poet) in Finias.

Senias in Murias (the rich town).

It seems that, like Irelands today, the former land of the Tuatha was divided in four provinces or cities (as the Greek concept of cities too, is more like provinces).

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*Extract from the book Gods and Fighting Men" by Lady Gregory" Copyrights 1904. Published by Colin & Smithe ISBN 0-901072-37.



