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The science of astrology has been with us from the time human life developed a level of consciousness extending beyond Self.  Human consciousness evolved to discover the interdependency of the microcosm (Earth/Man) and macrocosm (Universe and beyond).  The visionary Chief Seattle viewed this interconnectedness of nature as web and perceived that what is done to the web, is done to ourselves.  For a time, astrology fell to the wayside in favor of intellectualism.  However, the beginning of the 20th century brought with it a renewed interest when science began making early connections to the ethereal aspect of the Universe.  A relatively new branch of science, called quantum physics began rapidly unfolding correspondences between every living thing "here" and "out there" on a subatomic level.  They were to learn that photons can become waves or particles - depending on what our consciousness deems them to be!  Very left-brained, pragmatic scientists were now confronted with the fact that subatomic particles display patterns of organic consciousness.  The quantum physicist today also ponders such phenomena as parallel universes superimposed on our own 3-D world!   Astrology is also based on the divine principle that we are intimately part of every particle and wave in the universe; that every living thing in the universe possesses some form of consciousness.  Most astrologers believe that when the physical body is no longer useful, this consciouness that animates us ascends to another medium.

We come into this world with the agreement we will work on certain human conditions in order to provide growth for the Soul.  Often, and usually in our very early years, we are distracted from this purpose.  We arrive at self-images and world views largely molded by interaction with our external environment.  But
if we have the capacity to change our thought patterns, we certainly have the capacity to make choices that will influence and redirect our lives to that end.  The energy manifestations arising in a personal chart can be acted upon in a positive or in a negative manner.  This is where the celestial knowledge of a good astrologer can guide you in these matters.

Most of us are consciously aware of the lunar cycles and its effects on individuals and events.  Our bodies are approximately two-thirds water, and as such, are as affected by these cycles as the oceans and seas.  A study of specific, individual Sun/Moon alignments in the astrological charts of 1,252 women was undertaken in the 1970's by a group of physicians lead by Czech physician Eugen Jonas.  This control study correctly predicted their fertility cycles with 98% accuracy.  The planet
Uranus has been scientifically proven to occupy specific stations in orbit during a sudden increase in earthquake activity.  In the coming years, there will certainly come proof-positive discoveries from the scientific community that our brother-and-sister planets and stars are as one gigantic and cylic timeclock.  We also know that solar flares can have powerful effects on earths gravitational pull, as well as electromagnetic propertiesBut what about a planet so remotely distant from earth as, say, Pluto? How can a planet orbiting millions of miles away exert any sort of energy manifestation on human life?  An explanation lies literally in the palm of your hand---
Turning your palm up, look at your hand and try to visualize the millions of cells residing there.  Every cell has an atom containing protons, neutrons, and electrons (a fascinating particle/wave!).  The electron particles are "orbiting" within the atoms of each cell.  Quoting Dr. Deepak Chopra in his book,
Timeless Mind/Ageless Body, --the void between two electrons is as porportionately large and empty as the space between two galaxies." Yet, without the symbiotic interaction between our cells, we would not be viable living organisms.  As above, so below.

We are in the midst of great
societal transformationIn the 1996 edition of News & Review, political analyst Bill Bradley coined our times the Age of Acceleration.  He alluded to our rapidly growing restless and chaotic world society.  Spiritual searches are being undertaken at phenomenal speed.  We are witnessing a return by humans (and particularly women) to seek their healing powers once again - through yoga, meditation, body work, and related skills.  Responsible studies in the dynamics of  astrology are among the techniques resurfacing as part of this movement.

Mystics from time immemorial have asserted that in ancient times we were much closer to a Higher Force of Consciousness.  Over the eons, we have moved from that connection in order to focus our time and attention to material wants.  We have forgotten our roots.  However, there is a shift underway that is moving us back toward the center - the essense of our purpose.  Rather than wielding the power of greed and fear (dressed up as profit and competition), we are beginning to wield the power of grace and harmony.  I believe the great amount of violence and militant behavior today to be the death knell cry of those who resist and refuse to move with the course and flow of energy now bringing the world society into the 21st century - and a new era.

As we ride the monolith into this new century, we will surely witness a marriage between science and ancient spiritual wisdom.  In his book,
The Holographic Universe, (Harper Collins, 1991), Michael Talbot explores the multitudes of relationships between the otherworldly properties of subatomic matter and spiritual phenomena such as dreams, out-of-body (OOB) experiences, and psychic vision.  According to Talbot's research, those who have returned from near-death experiences have often embarked on a quest to gain knowledge about the properties of quantum physics.  Mr. Talbot sums it up thusly: "Are they, and by proxy the rest of the human race, being prepared for some coming confluence between science and the spiritual?" I believe so.
Astrology, Science, and the Spiritual Movement
(In February of 1996 I was invited to present an astrology seminar to the Auburn Business and Professional Women.  Following are excerpts from the speech)
Conscious Communicates  Continuously!
Help Contact ET!
SETI Project

Disclosure Project
MayaGal's Journal
Here Comes The Sun...
8 years later.....
July 21, 2004 Silbury Hill, England Crop Formation -Maya
DNA Transformation-- Understanding our unfolding
The Quest for Truth in Science and Government--Unveiling ET presence
"The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious.  It is the source of all true art and science.  He to whom the emotion is a stranger, who can no longer pause to wonder and stand wrapped in awe, is as good as dead; his eyes are closed."          
Albert Einstein
If you want to know where science and the spiritual are truly converging these days, listen to Coast To Coast A.M.
and get rid of the boob tube!
Sagittarius Sun- 9th
Gemini Moon - 3rd 
Pisces ascendant
What IS Reiki?
Alien consciousness communicating, or HAARP playing mind games?
The Physics of Consciousness
Books of Enlightenment
I have a hunch that if one could get underneath this crop circle and prop up the very middle with a pole, we could discover that the Mayan "clefts", a symbol of the Galactic core, would offer a new perspective....Just a thought.  (MayaGal)
Live in or around Albuquerque?
Knowledge is POWER!