I strongly suggest to all my visitors that you keep a dream log.  I would eventually like to start a "dream team" because I do believe that particularly when major events such as 911 (see my dream) occur, millions of us are provided clues beforehand.  So, as an inspiration of sorts, I have decided to record my own dreams--ones that seem to have a sense of reality to them.
Date: 09/10/2004--I am in a children's hospital such as St. Jude's in the South.  Three times, I am given the date October 24 as being associated with the hospital and United Nations Day. (I later discovered that 10/24 is actually United Nations Day).
Date: 09/27/2004--Colin Powell is dressed in full uniform.  Blood is being drawn from him becasue of something connected with fish or to a water containment facility.  He says he is going to "turn the tables.".
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Date: 11/11/2004--I walk into a crowded restaurant.  I am astonished to see former president Bill Clinton and V.P. Al Gore sitting stoically and quietly way at the end of this place, simply observing.  No one seems to notice they are there, but for me.  I am imploring the crowd by saying "Don't you SEE them?"  But, they do not hear me.  I step outside in order to allow myself time to try to put this irrational scene into a rational context.  I next see a massive, overpowering tsunami or tidal wave as I am driving.  It is headed toward me, but time somehow slows down and it is all slow motion.  I become very aware that Great Force is holding back the tidal wave so it will not overpower me, but it is heading  toward bridge or overpass. The tsunami coincides with a political shock.
Date: 12/02/2004--As I am walking, I "step" on a symbol that is carved in relief on the pavement.  It is a scorpian (or crab?) with a turtle shell on its back.  As I step on it, an "entity" (seemed to have "south of the border" symbols on him) realizes my "discovery".  He has been using this symbol for "dark reasons."  He seems to think I will be able to do nothing, but I recall shouting to him. "I will reveal this because I WILL to!"  This "entity" shrinks back. He now cannot prevent me from stopping his "dark" magic.
Date: 12/25/2004--I am standing in another time; the ancient Middle East.  My sleeping "consciousness" is quite aware that I know exactly where I am (leaving out some details here).  I am handed a map and told to look to the East.  I do, and in big letters I see the word MOAB.  I have a sense that I am to observe this, just observe.  (NOTE: I looked up Moab and discovered that it was an ancient city just east of the Dead Sea.  Today that area is part of the country of Jordan.)
Date: 09/08/2005--Since I have had this dream theme three nights in a row, I am going to post it: My children's father (passed on in 2003 in real life) comes to me with plans for relocating our grandchildren.  In all three dreams, (including last night), he seems to  assure me that all will be okay and that a new "home" is waiting.  The "home" is always spacious and comfortable. 
My intuition tells me that this has to do with a major upheaval in California, where all three of our grandchilden live.  As if to emphasis this, I had a dream about a week ago that Governor Swartzenegger in California was in a great deal of rage regarding upheaval and scandal.
Date: 10/08/2005--I am in California and driving from Sacramento in the southbound lane.  Somewhere around Galt or Lodi, a train is speeding northbound to the right of me.  A black GTO or similarly styled car makes a sudden turn from the northbound lane and flies by in front of me, making a deliberate attempt to drive under the train!  The car is crushed.  I somehow am "told" in my dream mind that these were young men involved in a high-speed chase with police and that this was a last desperate attempt to elude them.  Miraculously, even though the car is crushed, the occupants survive but are caught immediately.  Because of heavy coats, this seems to be somewhere around the winter holidays.  I see one of these young men in a daze; he has a shaved head and is wearing a heavy leather cost.  He has a tattoo at the hairline near the top.
Date: 12/02/05--I have been "invited" to attend a school of higher learning, such as a University.  I am taken to a school cafeteria.  Suddenly, the waitresses and waiters become confused; they seem to be affected by some internal interference.  My "host" takes me outside, where we witness some sort of projectile heading toward a high tower or school structure.  It seems to be higher than the buildings around it.  It is clearly not a commercial jet or or an airplane at is rather ovoid in shape yet elongated.  It is either a dark brown or dark grey color.  It hits the structure.  I tell my "host" that I must report this "accident", but I am told that it is intended and "will occur soon".  This confuses me since I had seen it happen already.  My feeling is that I am on a very old, traditional type college or University such as Yale.
Date: 12/25/05--I walk into a place called the "Daily Grind", but it is not the cheerful bustling place it was (There really is a favorite local coffee house here by that name).  I am accompanied by a woman who guides me there and then starts scribbling notes frantically onto a notepad as she watches a screen before us.  This causes me to look closely at a young man in front of us who is operating some sort of "information" screen, watching numbers tick by on the screen and then plugging in some numbers that he is seeing into a program.  At first, I have some trouble focusing on what is on the screen, but then it gets clearer.  I see that this has to do with the stock market.   I am stunned to realize that what I am seeing is a sudden and unexpected drop in the market, and it is in the range of 1126 points and not just a few hundred.  I look at my "guide" who is still writing on the notepad. I realize that the people at the Daily Grind have been completely halted and are not receiving their checks.  She is watching out for mine.  (Is this about a drop of more than 1100 points or a date such as  1/12/6 ? 11/2/6?)
Date: 01/14/2006--I have been flown to England but do not realize it until I awake in a room and PM Tony Blair is standing there talking with a maid/servant!  I am sent to a "meeting", where I and a few others are promptly "robbed" of our money; however, for some reason, one of the men who "robbed" me has become "drunk" and I simply take back my possessions.  His thug-looking comrades are furious with him.  I then wander around and run into Mr. Blair in a long hallway but he does not see me.  I turn to the "sponsor" (represented in my dream by a fellow medical transcriber in real life)  who flew me here without my knowedge, and she seems to imply that this is a test and that I will be flown back to home on "Saturday." She makes a big point of this. I cannot recall the rest except that I recall going into the streets of England and finding  the people to be quite pleasant and far different than in the "meeting."
Date: 02/27/2006--I wake up on a schoolground.  I see I am standing in a play area at "Cleveland" school (in my real-life home town).   Airplanes fly overhead and are shooting at the children and others in the vicinity!  I take a "hit" in the left shoulder, but I keep herding the children into a covered place.  I am then suddenly at a mall or a high-end store such as Macy's and this is happening there simultaneously.  Cleveland Ohio comes to mind, and I am now telling as many as I can in the area to prepare and take cover.  The planes are more like very dark military-type ones.
Date: 05/04/2006--I am standing in a passageway.  Marching toward me one way are Civil War soldiers.  From the other direction come marching WWI soldiers.  From other further places come soldiers from wars in different eras.  Barry Manilow stands near me and sings "..just one voice singing in the darkness..." It becomes clear that the same "voice" has caused all this death.
Date: 06/04/2006--A "master musician" is frantically trying to warn me of a major attack that will have to do with striking a certain sound to completely break down the molecules of a passenger plane!  He is doing his best to prevent this from happening and wants me to know; howver, it all has to do with a weapon that destroys not by bombs, crashes, but by sound alone.  It is soon, he says.