Monday May 14, 2007


Welcome class of 2011 and way to go! You are about to embark on a heck of a journey and hopefully we at medshouse can help make it as fun as possible! We have a few rooms up for grabs for the upcoming year, so give us a call to learn more about living at the house: Her Presidency Katie is at (613) 739-0788 (but not in june). We are looking for a few outgoing, responsible first years who like to have a good time but aren't afraid of a dishwasher.

But if moving in isn't for you, you can still become a member of the house and enjoy all the social aspects - not to mention a place to hang out that's a mere 2 minutes from class. You'll learn all about membership in the first week of classes.

Congratulations again, and welcome to Queen's!
The 2007 Medical House Council

Thursday October 19, 2006

Dates to Remember!

Alumni and Members at Large! Get out your calenders, here are some dates to remember:

October 28th - Halloween Party!
Definitely the largest Halloween Party on campus, put on your party suit and come out!

November (perhaps the 12th?) - Tentative Mortgage Pay-off Pig Roast
We'll be able to pay off the mortgage of the 1970s finally this year through alumni donations and savings, and have decided to roast a pig in celebration. (It's the same weekend as Medical Variety Night, so alumni come and see the R-rated Saturday show, then stay Sunday for some pig ;)

November 25th - Christmas Party
Another Meds House all-you-can-eat, all-you-can-drink shindig, accompagnied by the annual roasts.

end of January/early February - Meds House Formal

Hope to see you there!

Saturday September 23, 2006

Welcome Back Party!

This year's Welcome Back Party was a huge success with the popular 'White Trash' theme, which in no way had to do with the town in which Meds House resides.

Saturday September 16, 2006


Please join us this Homecoming weekend for our annual 'Doctoberfest' celebration, a chance for past and present members alike to schmooze and exchange stories. With sausages and the promise of a full beer fridge, who could say no?

Time: Saturday, September 16th, 4 - 7 pm
Place: Meds House front lawn


Tuesday September 12, 2006

Welcome Back!

With the start of another school year, the crew at Meds House would like to say a big 'How the hell are you?' to returning students and an even bigger 'Welcome to the family' to new ones. We started our membership drive with a kick with yet another successful 'Movie Night' during Orientation Week, and continue it with a week of free lunches for the first years. Membership benefits can be found under the 'About us' tab, but include social parties, academic insight, and plain old good times. Two options exist for the out-of-house members: The Meal Plan option, so mom can be happy that you're getting at least one good meal a day, and the Social Membership, for those with an appetite for fun (oh dear, sorry for that one). Please don't hesitate to contact us at (613) 546-6504 or drop by the house anytime with questions.

For Alumni - the Delta, the official newsletter of Medical House, should be arriving any moment at your doorstep, and so begins another fundraising drive. Planned renovations to the house are a much needed electrical update, as well as new appliances for the kitchen. A third members-only party may be added this year as well if all goes as planned - the November 'Mortgage Burning' Pig Roast! Please stay tuned for more information about 'Doctoberfest' happening this Homecoming Weekend, but in the meantime get your appetites ready for some sausages on the lawn . . .

Monday July 3, 2006

Information for potential members:

It's that time of year again, and soon the class of 2010 will be welcomed to Queen's with open arms. To any and all people interested in joining the house, please read the following. We are a co-ed house, and welcome people from both sexes and all walks of life to apply :)

We will be accepting new members to live in the house on a first come, first serve basis, starting from whenever you choose Queen's School of Medicine to when you decide, ‘Yes, I want to have lots of fun next year, meet people from all four years and live in the cheapest and closest possible spot in Kingston’ . The current rates for the house are $610/month for a single room, $495/month for a double room, including rent, utilities (minus phone and internet), and lunch and dinner on weekdays. We have enough space for 6-7 new members in the house depending on double room availability, so please contact us early not to be disappointed! For more information, please don't hesitate to call us at: (613) 546-6504

Additionally, you can e-mail our executive members via the e-mails listed in the members section on the website. Finally, please check out the photos of our house under the photos section.

We all look forward to meeting you in the fall!

March, 2006

Interview Weekend Martini Parties:

The two martini parties hosted at Meds House during the interview weekends were huge successes! Potential future Queen's medical students mingled with current students from all the years, and hopefully got a taste of how fun Queen's (and Meds House) can be!

Saturday February 4, 2006

Annual Medical House Formal

A little late, but here's an update on our annual house formal, where a good time was had by all. The tyros chose a vague 'Asian' theme this year, and did not disappoint! Featured in the display were 'the Japanese Tea Room', 'the Temple' and 'the Garden':

The Japanese Tea Room

The Temple

The working waterfall in the Garden

Thursday October 14, 2005

Tyro Night Formal Dinner

This year's dinner was a fabulous success. From the 27 tyros who joined the house this year (many are 'social members', a newly added level of membership that is still pending review by the executive), to the 15 or so alumni who came out this year, we had an absolutely great time. Making an appearance for the night was none other than (well I said I wouldn't post him publically but he hasn't been to Tyro night in a very long time!). The dinner featured all the prime rib we could eat, and the evening's activities were quite fun indeed.

Saturday September 25, 2005


As with last year's Queen's Homecoming weekend, this weekend we once again held our world-famous Doctoberfest (tm). Featuring a couch, a barbeque and all the sausauge you can eat, we managed to see quite a few Meds House alumni from the 70s, 80s, 90s and even recent alumni as well. This author was woken up by two alumnists who were eager to see my room (their former room many years ago), but then again noon is usually a good time to wake up! Thank you all for coming out, and a special thanks for the many donations that we recieved for the house from the alumni!

Saturday September 17, 2005

Catholic School Disco!

The theme of our welcome back party this year was the same as the previous. Back by popular demand, we once again hosted the Catholic School Disco. It was very well attended and everyone had a great time. Here's some pictures of the party for those interested:

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