Hello and welcome to my daughter's birth to 2months photo page! Due to disk space on this geocities thing, I've had to break her pages up into 2. :-)

Soon as I can get some birth photos scanned of her, I'll be more than happy to put them online and share with all of you who are visiting!

Here's my little girl at her best! She was 3 weeks old (or so) in this picture.

Here's one of her wearing a purple jumper outfit my grandmother on my mom's side made for her. :-)

Here's another one showing off her POOH booties! Isn't she gorgeous?! She was about 6 weeks old in these.

Here she is, after a bath. She's exhausted because she was screaming her indignancies and protests about having to be bathed. She seems to like her baths now, but when she was itty bitty, God help your ears!

Here she is, bein held by my now former-friend, Mary. She loved it over there, because Mary had lots of furry animals to stare at. :-)

Here she is on Mary's lap, this time with Peanut, Mary's doggie, trying to get a piece of the fun!

This time she's being "investigated" by one of Mary's many kitties.

Here she is at around 2 months old, sleeping on her dad's mother's couch. She had just been fed lunch, and was very tired.

Here she is, getting very sleepy...

Here she is, chillin out, watchin tv.

Here she is, just fascinated by her surroundings!

Here she is, mad as a hornet because I put her in her car seat. She hated that thing for some reason!

Here she is, finally asleep after fighting and griping at me.

Here's her famous "FEED ME!" face.

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Graphics by Anne and Gran Gran!