<BGSOUND src="//www.oocities.org/medusa_rages/Billie_Jean.mid">
Standing on the edge of insanity
Update (21/6/2005)
Ello ello to all......
Just to let you guys and gals out there know what I"m up to....which isn't  much.
I'm doing some stuff in a local library...going there every once a week training people to use the computer.
I also am self medicating, I'm taking two abilifies, an olanzapine and two seroquels at night and two zolofts and an abilify in the morning. ALOT OF MEDZ!
Finished my work trial in university and will be going back there in August to continue working.

I also will be attending another uni next year to start studying librarianship. COOL.

NOthing much else is happening in my life. Except I"m a bit depressed........
I did study theology for a while but had to quit. The stupid nuns and priests that works there were really mean to me and falsely accused me of writing an email to a cardinal complaining about their teachings. I didn't do it but still had to quit. SIGH....what a waste of time money and effort.

Anyways, listening to smashing pumpkins, gorillaz and Good Charlotte.

I love
Billy Corgan!!!!

Just got a new DVD called The Smashing Pumpkins Greatest Hits 1991-2000.

I got a bit of a hint for you here if you got the same DVD. To view extra footage highlight the Extra link and press left.

You'll see a music clip that is listed on the back cover but not included in the main menu. he he he....eggs!

So next month will be spent staying with Grandpa who is sick and the month after in August i'm hoping to get to go back to work in University not to study but to help the professor there.
Ciao for now and remember............
Hope is an anchor that is fixed on the unseen. Keep hoping.
And never regret ANYTHING!!!