I know it's a ghost,  but what kind?

There are 3 types of ghosts:

Residual;  this type of ghost is a playback ghost.  It's a "video" of the past.  It is not an earthbound spirit,  an example is a ghostlight.  You see them on traintracks,  there is a story of either train crash or someone being hit by the train.  These are playbacks.

Intercactive;  this is the kind where you either smell odors,  hear noises,  feel touches,  and there are cold spots.  These are earthbound spirits,  they may be stuck here because of guilt,  unfinished business,  sudden death or fear of moving on.

Un-Human;  These are either devils or demons,  always be careful when dealing with this type of ghost.
Toolbox for ghosthunts/watches
Camera (at least 35mm)
Video Camera (if wanted)
Tape Recorder (if wanted)
EMF Detector-electro magnetic field- (if wanted)
Temparature sensing equipment
Motion Detector
Portable radios
Note paper