Imbolc Febuary 2nd
also called Imbolg,  Oimelc,  Candelmas,  Earrach and Groundhog's Day
This is the quickening of the year.  Winter buds appear on bare trees and green life stirs under the frozen earth.  The infant Sun (the god) grows in size and strength.  Imbolc is a fire festival,  a festival of lights...
                                                       The Wicca Handbook,  by Eileen Holland

The earliest whispering of springtide are heard as the Goddess nurtures Her Young Son.  As a time of the year associated with beginning,  growth,  Imbolc is an intiatory period for many.  Here we plant seeds of our hopes and dreams for the coming summer months.
Imbloc Ritual (coven)
The HPS,  carrying the Wand,  leads the coveners with a dance step to the chosen site.
The Volta Dance follows: in other words,  lively dancing in couples.  HPS cast the Circle in the the usual way,  HP then enters the Circle,  with a Sword in his right hand and a Wand in the left.  He lays these on the altar,  HP now salutes the HPS with the Fivefold Kiss.  She says "Blessed Be" and gives him the Fivefold Kiss in return.  HP assumes the God positionbefore the Altar as the HP invkes:
"Dred Lord of Death and Resurection,
Of Life,  and the Giver of Life;
Lord within ourselves,  whose name is Mystery of Mysteries;
Encourage  our hearts,
Let the Light crystallize itself in our blood,
Fulfilling us of resurection;
For there is no part of us that is not the Gods.
Descend,  we pary thee,  upon thy servant and priest."
Any intiations to be done are done at this point.  The crermony of Cakes and Wine follows.  The Great Rite is done if at all possible.  Feasting,  dancing and games follow the closing of the ritual.
Imbloc Cresent Cakes
1 1/4 cups flour
3/4 cup sugar
1 cup finely ground almonds
3 drops almond extract
1/2 cup butter or margarine, softened
1 tbls honey
1 egg yolk

   In a large bowl combine the first four ingredients.  Add the butter,  honey,  egg yolk and mix together well.  Cover with aluminum foil or plastic wrap,  and then chill for 1 1/2 to 2 hours in the refrigerator.
   When ready,  pinch off pieces of the dough (about the size of plums) and shape them into cresents.
   Place the cresents on a well-greased cookie sheet and bake in a 350 degree preheated oven for about 20 minutes.  Makes 12 cresent cakes.
Imbolc Activites (solitary)
1. Light candles to illuminate the winter darkness
2. Start spring cleaning
3. Gather stones
4. Burn Rosemary or Dill
5. Drink Rosemary tea
6. Praise the Irish goddess Brighid,  for this holiday is sacred to her
7. Plant seeds of herbs and plants that use in magick