Me! :)
Name: Meg Miranda Squires
Age: 14
Fav Band: The Whitlams
Fav Song Ever: 1995 - The Whitlams & Take The Power Back - Rage Against The Machine.
Other Stuff about me: Well, this is my site, and I am making it becuase I don't have mSn anymore, and I need something to do with my time when I get bored. :)I like purple (if you haven't noticed, and I'm obsessed with The Whitlams, esp Tim Freedman :) umm... what else, my fav movies are Priscilla: Queen of the Desert and The Craft.  I play the piano & flute. Other bands I like apart from The Whit's are: Alanis Morissette, Nirvana, Powderfinger, System Of A Down, Ben Folds (Five), etc, etc.  hmmmm..... I can't think of anything else, oh wait, yes I can, I LOVE knee-hi sox of the colourful variety, and my fav shops are target, india fox and beatdisc :) I hate brand-name clothes (hence the target being my fav shop) even tho I was forced to buy a pair of converse shoes early in the year. I love my doc martens, and my bedroom which is purple :) I have a cat, 2 smelly dogs, a couple of fish and 2 frogs. Daria is the maddest fuckin tv show, and there should be a daria channel.. THEN i would watch tv.. well thats all, I hope u all like my website :)

<---- I'm on the left, Elli's on the right :)