The comments regarding stadiums listed on this website come from my personal trips. They are my own.  They reflect 'total' experiences and observations I had and made when visiting a particular stadium and city.  They may very well be different than your own.
Many stadiums were visited in 1997.  I started this website in 5/2000.  Many of the comments on stadiums visited that year come from notes on scorecards, from a journal I kept, from photo albums, and my memory.  You'll find some pages have lots of information and comments and others few.  It depends on what I had written down and how well my memory serves me.
I obtained other information from the following websites:
directions, host hotels, addresses
directions, host hotels, addresses
driving times and hotel information
Posted:  8/28/00
Last Updated:  1/13/02, verified links; 04/20/03 added home; 10/8/06 deleted hockey times