Special Update!!!!
Go to here for achieving great victory unless death is also achieved.

5:10 PM - Tuesday, April 13th, 2004 - Waysides, and the falling by thereof
Yes, ladies and gentlemen, this blog has taken a back seat to my livejournal. The livejournal community just feels more.... well, like a community. Crazy shit, huh? This blog should consider itself lucky, though; it gets updated more than my paper journal. Writing with your hands is such a hassle. Fuck pencils and paper!
John was over earlier, details at the livejournal.


5:58 PM - Tuesday, April 6th, 2004 - I belong to you, and you belong to me, too
I don't have anything of importance to write about here. Generally, I write the best stuff for my livejournal. But hey, sometimes irrelevant (irrevelant) little tidbits can be fun, too.
Today we're having burgers for dinner. Yay, burgers!
Tomorrow is a minimum day. Yay, minimum days!
We get Friday off. Yay, fuck Friday!
Before I forget; THANK YOU, Amanda, for letting me use your iPod to check out my firewire card. I already thanked you in person, but being able to have the software already on my computer AND knowing that my shit works made my week. Wow.... what a loser. Still, thank you.
Yeah, that's about it.

Peace, Love, and iPods

8:35 PM - Wednesday, March 31st, 2004 - I'm still alive
I know it doesn't seem like that long to you, but I feel that I've been neglecting my website blog, and keeping up more with my livejournal and paper journal. Well, I'm sure you've read in one of those two (hopefully just the livejournal, or I'll stangle you with your own intestines), that John almost got laid. No more details, but I do want to taunt you with the fact that the details are hot. BTW, it wasn't with anyone at our school. Or even our town, so don't worry.
As for me, I'm just waiting my turn.


7:03 PM - Thursday, March 25th, 2004 - Trippy Perspective Picture

Just something I doodled. The hardest part was the little lines for the parking lot at the horrific sportsdome. By the way, that thing in the upper right corner is an airport. Nevermind...


4:23 PM - Thursday, March 18th, 2004 - A darkness from which there can be no return
Well, I didn't go down the hill with the Johns and Skylar today. I had motherFUCKING biology to do. And then John had to leave at 1:30 for what could only be a swim meet. Goddamnit.
On to an explanation of the title of this entry: Mrs. Yates wants to kill us all. However, she doesn't want to go to jail for it, so she plans to do it via assignment. We have to write a paper with the vague prompt of "Make it about morality." Not only that, but it has to be a research paper, which means if we glean even one tiny little itsy bitsy teeny weeny BARELY FUCKING EXISTANT fact from anyone else on Earth, we are guilty of plagarism in the first degree, and will be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. Therefore, our papers must reek with extraneous quotes, citations, and general diversions from the point of the paper, which is still only vaguely defined.
I want to learn Russian.


4:40 PM - Tuesday, March 16th, 2004 - Yeah, it's still rather hot
I don't care if you're from Livermore. In Half Moon Bay, this is hot. Despite the fact that my ancestry is from unbelievably hot places (the Texas desert, Mexico, and Southern Italy), I'm still sweating rather profusely.
Hey Amanda, John was waiting for us when me, other John and Skylar went down to Sunshine Doughnuts today. He had a dentist appointment, so he just went back up with us. Lucky bastard got to have a fourth of a day. Pfsh. I always show up for school, never, ever, always. He's gonna let a silly thing like a man putting his hands in his mouth come between him and academic achievement.
Oh, I'm tired and angry. Goodbye.


1:59 PM - Sunday, March 7th, 2004 - JESUS CHRIST IT'S HOT!
Actually it's about 70. But in Half Moon Bay, it rarely breaks 63, so right now people are wandering the streets, pleading for water and occasionally exploding like overripe grapes in a microwave. Speaking of grapes...
Mmmm.... anyway, not much going on around here. I've rediscovered "Call of Duty", and I'm sure that since Saturday morning, I've killed at least, like, a million Nazis. Minimum. It's the most fun when I have an old Russian bolt-action and the punk-ass Nazi bitches have machine guns, but I still make a knee-high Nazi pile. I'm sure it's quite frustrating for them. See, I can sympathize. But I'm still going to club them with the butt of my rifle over and over again.
Between COD-induced seizures, I got around to reading your website, Amanda. I take it my entry is next in the "People I Know" section, right? Oh, and I got some Mountain Dew at the store yesterday. Diet Mountain Dew, though. Please don't kill me and throw my body in a ravine. It's really the same thing, just with less sugar. It tastes the same! JESUS, PUT THE PIPE DOWN! I'M CALLING THE POLIC-LLASMDCL;AKSDMCL;ASKJDFl;kjm./m...............................................................................................................................


9:31 PM - Tuesday, March 2nd, 2004 - So I lied
Yeah, I know, I said I wouldn't put up a new post until Thursday. I got bored. ####### sue me.
I don't have anything to say really, except that you should read my livejournal entry for today. I almost divulged top-secret information about the contents of our film for English, but unfortunately for you, I caught myself before it was too late. DETAILS WILL NOT BE REVEALED UNTIL SCREENINGS IN NEW YORK AND LOS ANGELES BEGINNING THURSDAY!


P.S - Not to sound vain, but there's a new (old) picture of me up in the photo gallery.
