
Author: Megami
Notes: just a little ficlet inspired by a drawing of Zidane and garnet laying together, done by the founder of an online roleplay I’m in, Lekali. Astria/India Davis is the artist and I cannot get over how beatiful her artwork is. Go to her gallery NOW and be amazed. (Thanx for letting me use your pic Dia!)

It was cold. Cold and dark. Vivi and Eiko had KO’d in the last battle, and I had run out of phoenix down. No potions, no ether, no nothing. Dagger was asleep. That last monster had hit her with a sleep spell, she was resting peacefully Her health was so low... and she hadn’t woken up yet. I tried shaking her, but she stayed asleep. Maybe it wasn’t just a sleep spell, she could also have just passed out. KO’d without my knowing. I glanced around; the trees of the forest were ominous around me. I glanced at the map again. The closest place was the Conde Petite Mountain Path. There was a moogle in there somewhere, but a monster could come along and finish me before I even got a chance to get to it. And calling Mogou was pointless; I didn’t have any Tents left. Sighing, I glanced around again. No food anywhere... I didn’t even have any kupo nuts.

The wind picked up and I shivered involuntarily. I leaned down and picked Vivi up. The little guy was so frail, limp in my arms. Pulling his coat tighter around him I set him down in a makeshift bed of leaves. I hoped that would keep him warm. I then got Eiko and took her to Vivi. I put there small bodies close, to try and help with warmth, before remembering that in KO, temperature didn’t matter. Walking back over to Dagger, I gingerly lifted her in my arms and brought her over to Vivi and Eiko. I laid her down next to them. No, she’d freeze. The kids were safe from the wind in KO state, but she would be cold. Leaning against a tree I pulled her into me. I wrapped my arms around her waist and held her tight. My chest had a sort of weird tightness to it. I wasn’t sure what it was...

Dagger... at first she was just a pretty girl. My next flirtation. But, I got to know her and then...I don’t know. I think I fell in love. I’d never loved anyone before. Not like was so strange. Like when she was gone the world was darker and when she was with me everything was great and I felt light and... All I wanted was to help her. She was beautiful, inside and out. The war was so hard on her though...beautiful canaries shouldn’t have to suffer. What was going to happen to her?

She was so eager to help Queen Brahne, but what if her mother couldn’t be helped? Poor dagger... I wanted to just kiss her fears away, tell her I would always be there for her. I’d never stop protecting her, no matter what. Now here we were, alone and cold and it was dark. I wasn’t even sure if we would make it through the night...

“Dagger...” I whispered to her sleeping form. “I think...I think I love you. I wish I had the guts to tell you for real, but I guess everyone has to be shy at least once in their life. I don’t know why I’m ashamed... I shouldn’t be. You deserve to be loved... Eiko said never lie to yourself, so I guess, I should take her advice and admit it. I’m head over tail over heels in love with the Princess of Alexandria.” Smiling I pulled her body in closer to mine and kissed her forehead. “Hey, we’re married now right? I’ll protect you. In sickness and in health, and all that other stuff... I swear, for the rest of my life.”

“It’s, as long as I shall live.” I started, staring down in horror at her. She opened her eyes and smiled faintly up at me. “Thank-you Zidane.” She whispered, leaning up to look at me face to face. A strand of her hair fell over her face and I reached out and pushed it back from her eyes.

“How... how long have you been awake?” I asked. Her eyes sparkled mischievously.

“About 2 minutes, You were too busy speaking to notice.” I could feel myself blush. I was about to make up an excuse, or something, but it was cut off by her lips against mine.

It was a soft kiss, sweet and tender. It wasn’t passionate or hurried, just soft and caring. It sent my brain to static faster then any other kiss ever had. It was over too soon though, and she pulled away and leaned against me, her arms snaked around my waist and her head right in between my neck and my chest. Wrapping my arms around her waist, I held her close and closed my eyes. My last thought before sleep took me was, that no matter what, I’d get us out of this forest. I’d keep us safe and I’d make sure she survived. She would make it through the war. And I’d never leave her side. I’d protect and love her always. Always and forever.
