
Why don't you call me
Are you afraid?

Karey sat in a corner, her back pressed against the right angle made by the building. In front of her, the double basketball courts were crowded with people. It was windy, and chilly air was blowling her long dark brown hair in her face. All around her, kids were running about, yelling and playing. Girls were jumping rope, boys were playing basketball, and some where playing tag too. Others were just standing around and talking. Karey could hear the noise from the playground in the distance.  Kids were going down slides, swinging on swings, and enjoying the afternoon recess. It was loud and busy outside. But Karey didn't notice any of these things. She was watching Kyle.

He was playing basketball with some other boys on the court. It was admirable how he still played despite the cold. The wind mussed up his already untidy blonde hair as he dribbled and passed the ball; his blue eyes sparkled with determination as he shot a free throw. His boyish features were enhanced by his rosy cheeks. Karey kept her eyes on Kyle, trying to work him out in her head. Her feelings for him, and his for her.

Karey had known Kyle since first grade, and now in sixth, she was smitten with feelings she never knew she'd had. Karey had met Kyle's twin sister Jess in fourth grade, and they were now best friends. Karey had pretty much grown up with Kyle and Jess.

Kyle and she had never been close, but never enemies  either. He was just this person she knew and had always sort of liked. After Karey had met Jess though, she had gotten to know Kyle better. And Karey had a huge crush on him.

Your friends all told me
You think I'm all that

Jess, had always insisted that Kyle really did like her back, but Karey wasn't sure. When fifth grade started, Kyle had gotten mean. Suddenly, he would try to beat Karey up, and had hurt her on many occasions.  To be tough though, Karey would just suck it up and fight back. They had gotten in trouble many times in fifth grade for fighting. 

However, Kyle also was a lot of fun to be with. Karey and Jess loved playing with a skipping rope and creating new tricks. They planned on doing it for the talent show in June. When they practiced, Kyle would usually come over and help invent new tricks. 

This back and forth behavior from Kyle was so confusing. Karey just couldn't understand how Jess and almost every other person in school seemed convinced that Kyle belonged with her. Kyle never flirted with her, as far as Karey knew. But seeing as she didn't know much about flirting, she could be wrong. She really did want to be with Kyle, but she was waiting for Kyle to make the first move. Waiting was annoying.

Well it just don't make sense
It's just craziness
Ooh I need to
Know were we're at

Jess walked up to where Karey was sitting. "Hi Karey!" Karey smiled weakly and replied,

"Hi Jess." Staring back out at Kyle, Karey sighed. She didn't notice her friend's frown when Jess realised who Karey was staring at.

Wondering why, you're acting this way baby
Wondering why, you can't find any words to say
Maybe someone told you a lie
Or maybe you're just being shy
Keep wondering why

"Do you like Kyle?" Karey looked up at Jess' sudden question, and shook her head.

"What? No way!"  Karey smiled nervously.

"Okay..." Jessica looked doubtful but accepted the answer. Karey stole a glance back at Kyle. He was
shooting, but he missed the basket.  Karey laughed.

"What?" Jess raised her eyebrows.

"You should tell your brother that he shouldn't play basketball.  He sucks at it!"  Jess smiled at her friend's remark and replied,

"Yeah, I know.  Isn't he horrible?"

"Let's go jinx him." Karey said, standing. Jess grinned and nodded. Bothering Kyle was their faveorite past time. Mostly because he'd spaz out, which was always funny.

The girls walked over to the court just as Kyle was going for another basket.  They yelled 'jinx' mischieviously, and he missed the hoop entirely. They giggled at him while he swore and fumed in his patented Kyle way.  Karey
silently hoped he would come over and chase them, anything, but he went back to the game. Karey swallowed her sigh of disappointment. 

Why when you see me
You pretend I'm not there

Bored with their game, they went and got a skipping rope. Just as Karey started jumping, she suddenly spotted Kyle walking over to them. This suprised Karey so much she tripped and landed hard on the ground. The twins giggled. "Ow!" she yelped, but she started laughing at herself as well.

"Klutz!" Kyle teased, but when Karey looked up at him, he seemed to be asking the silent question, 'Are you okay?'.  Karey smiled sweetly and stood back up.

"Sure, Kyla, I'm a klutz, but at least I can dribble a ball." Karey's sweet smile turned to a smug one when he grimaced at the nickname she had given him the year before.

But when I see you eyes
Somehow you seem to care

Unbelievable, inconceivable
Need to know
If we're going anywhere

When the bell rang, signifying the end of recess, Karey lined up with her other classmates as she stole glances at Kyle.  Did he really like her back? It was so hard to tell. He sent so many mixed signals her way that she was dizzy. Was Jess right? Or was Kyle really just a jerk? Karey couldn't figure him out.

She finally looked up.  He caught Karey's eye and immediately stuck his tounge out at her.  She stifled a chuckle and did the same. Then a few kids started up:

"Karey and Kyle, sittin' in a tree, K-I-S-S-I-N-G!"

They both groaned in unison. "Not again..."

Well it just don't make sense
It's just craziness
Ooh I need to
Know were we're at

Wondering why, you're acting this way baby
Wondering why, you can't find any words to say
Maybe someone told you a lie
Or maybe you're just being shy
Keep wondering why

Why (c) M2M, Shades of Purple

Thank the Goddess for beta readers, I never used one before so I wasn't sure what to expect when I
e-mailed Bri for help with this. She really helped with it and found a million and one errors I know I would have missed...like my exesive grining and run on sentences. Heh heh, sorry!! Anyway, THANK-YOU Bri!! *throws flowers and chocolate...until the doctors come and carry her away*

Doctor: Terribly sorry, she hasn't taken her sanity pills yet.

Kare: They arn't pills! They're jelly beans! Jelly beans I tell you!!
