Homemade Cottage
July 1, 2006

The house walls... I finally started the window frames using some wooden coffee stirrers sent to me by my grandparents ;) This was mostly just to even out the windows... and a close-up picture is shown. The crosses aren't attached yet though, but they too have been stained (not shown in above picture).
July 4, 2006

Doorway: I bought this at A.C. Moore. It was $9.99 but I got it half off with a coupon ;) Then I stained it with the same stain I used on the floors, the ceiling and all the furniture (fireplace, bookcase, staircase and bed...)

July 5-6, 2006

Next -- the walls! I FINALLY got the texture I wanted. I did one coat before and it just didn't work. It looked like a DIY project gone wrong. I tried again and it worked! So then I painted it "steamed milk" (got at AC Moore). I also stained the wood in the windows (before painting and any touch-ups after). Then I sealed it using Mod Podge Matte.

Next, I made a "wood floor" look to the side things attached for my second floor. I actually had to remove them and cut them down an inch so that you couldn't see it with the hole for the staircase. After I sanded it down, I stained them (using the same stain as the other things). So they are no longer in the middle of the wall, but at least they won't show through now!
July 7, 2004
I started the outside window treatment! I cut down the "brick" size egg cartons but have kept the original gray original. I tinted the grout gray (very little). I only made one so far...
July 8, 2004
I finished the "brick" window treatment for all 8 windows... I made the bottom window ledges stick out (I glued "bricks" around a coffee stirrer).. I began to put the "rocks" on to see how they look... They are made from egg cartons and coffee holders (which actually have much nicer texture than the egg cartons).
Gluing on the "rocks."
July 9, 2004
All glued and dried. I started to "dry brush" the bottom half to see how it looks. I definitely can see the difference; it looks much nicer and realistic with the black brushing...
I dry-brushed the whole thing all and added the grout (tinting it a little more gray than what was used for the window treatment)... I also started "rocking" the other side...
July 13, 2004

AHH it took forever (or a couple of days, lol), but over the last few days I was sanding, re-grouting when needed, dry-brushing, and sealing both of the sides. The top picture was the first one done (it will be the side of living room and bedroom) and the bottom one is the side of the kitchen and bathroom.


*coming soon* I still need to do the rock treatment on the front of the house and attach the window frames.

Cottage Part 2

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