Easter Scene
March 2007

Though this picture wasn't taken until late July 2007, I started the project back in March.

I got the red chair from AC Moore and I was thinking of spray painting it, but then liked the pop of color so I kept it red.... the eggs and baskets I got on sale at Michaels (separately).. The cabinets were my first try, I don't care for them. I tried to fix them by adding red ribbon but they still look like crap... The background "wallpaper" is from a donut box at my local grocery store.

A close-up of the bottom part: the floor was made using coffee stirrers, then painted white... The table is one of those pizza inserts, layered with a silk cloth, covered with some lace.
The Easter cake was handmade using Fimo, cooked, then covered with a thin layer of Mod Podge Matte to seal it.

The wooden bowls were purchased at AC Moore awhile back, so I'm glad to finally be able to use some of those! The newpapers were printies, the eggs were made from Fimo and some were colored with food coloring. The "food coloring" is Gallery Glass (clear) mixed with a tiny bit of food coloring. The spoons came with a set that was given to me.

I always like to know what projects cost me so I broke it down.

By "nothing" I mean that the items cost so little per unit that it's not even worth mentioning OR that I already had it so didn't purchase anything more.

room box $1.74
red chair $2.16
baskets $0.99
easter eggs $0.99
table, wood floor, spoons, newspapers, ribbon nothing
easter egg bowl, grass, plain eggs (Fimo) $0.50
wood for cabinet $1.50
Gallery Glass, food coloring nothing
Total $7.88

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