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Note : After the course, you will learn to plot the QMDJ chart. You can view the sample chart by clicking the link here. Link to the sample QMDJ chart.



Message download from chineseastrology list.

From: looch338 <>

Date: Fri Apr 15, 2005 12:11 pm

Subject: QMDJ-Qi Men Dun Jia-Part 1

(message no 23567 on chineseastrology yahoo list- April 14 2005)

Date 14 April 2005 9.05 pm KL time

Dear all, QMDJ-Part 1

This is an advertisement promotion series and hope you care to read and see if this advertisement is of important or interest to you or your future. (total 4 parts-so be patient) Qi Men Dun Jia, somebody says by using QMDJ, you can control your destiny after birth. By making use of the combination of selection of time and space (location or direction), and within a short period of time, one could make one’s effort into positive result/rewards. And QMDJ could control the situation. For example if you are having a situation of 2 football teams of comparative strength, if team A know how to make use of QMDJ, this team will be the winner.

Best regards,

Frankie Loo


QMDJ –Part 2

QMDJ is something similar to flying chart of a house, plus the annual
star, Tai sui, San Sha, plus monthly flying star. By analyzing these
chart, one know which sector is in good Qi and which sector is in bad Qi
in a year or on every month.

QMDJ works the same way as it divide the space into N,S,E,W,SE,SW,NE and
NW (8 sector). But QMDJ divide the time period into 2 hour each.

So in any 2 hour period, example 1.00 pm to 3.00 pm of today, QMDJ will
work out which sectors have the Best Qi and which sector has the Worst

QMDJ Best Qi sector and Dead Qi sector are the summation workout of Ba
(8) Gua, Ba (8) Men, Ba (8) Shen, 9 Kan, 9 Xing, 9 Kong. The best Qi
sector is some lucky group formation of these items. Similarly the dead
qi sector is the indication of time and place to avoid.

So by making use the QMDJ formula, a person could improve his luck by
doing his task at the good sector, or fixing a painting at the wall at
the sector of Good Qi, as what Mr.D has done before by drilling a
hole at 10.33 am at North of his property.

The QMDJ Qi at that moment (if to the detail, it will bring unexpected
money and boost the Qi of that house and its occupant.) Furthermore Mr.
D ’s
useful god (4P) is Ding Fire, and the day is Bing Wu, a strong
fire that further enhance his luck. Also the hour of Si half combine
with Wu fire (day branch). Furthermore he selected the XKDG date where
other pillar strength the day pillar and his personal gua for XKDG.

At that moment and location he drilled, the QMDJ chart shows that at
that 2 hour interval, the Good Qi sector is North and South.

QMDJ-Part 3

Let us look at the example performed by Mr.D by drilling a hole at
North at 10.33am

> Activation Date was 23 March 2005 – Time 9 am – 11am.
Ø Activated at exactly 10:33 on the NORTH part of the property.

I am attached the bi hourly QMDJ good and bad sector for the day of 23
March 2005.

Good sector for 23 March 2005 for every bi-hourly from 5 am to 11pm

5-7 am N,SE,SW
7-9 am E,SW,NW
9-11 am S,N,NW
11 - 1pm NO
1-3 pm E
3-5 pm E,SW,NW
5-7 pm E,W,SE
7-9 pm N
9-11 pm N,SE,SW

NO-means no sector has special good combination of Qi at 11 am to 1 pm
on that day

Bad sector for 23 March 2005 for every bi-hourly from 5 am to 11pm

5-7 am-NE
7-9 am-SE
9-11 am-SW
11 - 1pm-SW
1-3 pm-NE
3-5 pm-SE
5-7 pm-NW
7-9 pm-S
9-11 pm-NE



By having these type of daily QMDJ table, one could easily grab the good

chi and avoid the bad sector.

For example if you wanted to installed a painting at the SW sector of
your house, you should avoid the time of 9am to 1pm. You could do it at
some other time like 3-5pm where you harness the good chi and avoiding
the bad Qi

I am in the process of preparing this type of hourly good and bad sector

by QMDJ method so that if you have this table, within minutes you can
use QMDJ method to select the best time and location, and using this
advantage of Heaven time and the advantage of correct location to carry
out your daily business or important task.

This is a simplified QMDJ version where I just summarize the good and
dead chi sector for easy understanding.

QMDJ, in simplicity, is to identify good sector or direction in any time

and by this QMDJ could increase your productivity, efficiency and its
result is astonishing.

QMDJ-Part 4

If you possess a daily QMDJ chart as in my previous post, you can select
the best time to go out to work, the best time and direction to go to
meet your client, to go for your business negotiation, to carry out your
fengshui audit, to go for medical checkout and to secure the best

Similarly you have to avoid those direction and sector with dead chi at
any particular duration.

Good sector for 23 March 2005 for every bi-hourly from 5 am to 11pm

5-7 am N,SE,SW
7-9 am E,SW,NW
9-11 am S,N,NW
11 - 1pm NO
1-3 pm E
3-5 pm E,SW,NW
5-7 pm E,W,SE
7-9 pm N
9-11 pm N,SE,SW

NO-means no sector has special good combination of Qi at 11 am to 1 pm
on that day

Bad sector for 23 March 2005 for every bi-hourly from 5 am to 11pm

5-7 am-NE
7-9 am-SE
9-11 am-SW
11 - 1pm-SW
1-3 pm-NE
3-5 pm-SE
5-7 pm-NW
7-9 pm-S
9-11 pm-NE


For example if your client is at the 2 km SE of your office and your
appointment is 9.10 am. You should leave your office at 8.30 am and
travel SE to your client office, this will make the meeting unfavour to
you. So you should arrange your plan again to reap an easy and
successfully life.

I am in the process of preparing this type of hourly good and bad sector
by QMDJ method so that if you have this table, within minutes you can
use QMDJ method to select the best time and location, and using this
advantage of Heaven time and the advantage of correct location to carry
out your daily business or important task.

If anyone interested to purchase such a chart, you are most welcome to
send e-mail to me at looch338@... </group/chineseastrology/post?

The price for 3 month (tentatively for May, June July 2005) daily (5 am
to 11 pm) is US$50.00 (Fifty Dollars Only) or equivalent in other

The price for 6 month (tentatively for May, June July, August,
September, October 2005) daily (5 am to 11 pm) is US$100.00 (One Hundred
Dollars Only) or equivalent in other currency.

The charts is for your convenients. Furthermore, I will also enclosed
the chart for hourly flying star for this package.

Some explaination of restriction such as some forbidden daily hour
cannot be used for activation.

The location of such place where the hourly 5 star and other cannot be
used for activation are included in the package.




QMDJ-Part 5 (message no 23579 on chineseastrology list- April 15 2005)

Hello lottery punters, lotto gamblers, do you know how you can improve your
chances of winning the prizes? The clues are found in this daily tables from
5 am to 11 pm.

Similarly bargain hunter, if you wanted to buy certain expensive items from
a shop and you will get special discount and better service. The answers are
also found in this daily tables from 5 am to 11 pm.

Similarly for individuals who want to seek employment, your Qi will be
boosted by using the methods in this table. The answers are also found in
this type of daily tables from 5 am to 11 pm.

Do you know those Chinese warrior how they win the battle with weaker army
but destroy their stronger enemy then. The answers are also found in this
type of daily tables from 5 am to 11 pm.

Let say you want to engage a lawyer for some legal case, you can also get
special treatment. The answers are also found in this type of daily tables
from 5 am to 11 pm.

Let us use the following QMDJ table – hour plate for 23 March 2005 for an

Let say you want to buy a lottery ticket or buy some winter clothing or do
some shopping, first you have to check the facing of the outlet, if the
outlet facing and front door is located at SE, you should check the table of
“Bad sector for 23 March 2005 for every bi-hourly from 5 am to 11pm”, you
will see ‘dead qi’ happened at SE from 9 am to 11 am AND at 3pm to 5 pm.

This means the outlet facing SE have the weakest qi from 9 am to 11 am and
at 3 pm to 5 pm.

The same goes for the office of those feng shui consultant and 4 p
consultant, so if you want to get a service from this consultant whose
office facing SE, if you visit them from 9 am to 11 am and at 3 pm to 5 pm,
their service to you is the best, they will treat you with good care and
give you very detail 4p interpretation and many extras.

I am coming out with this daily chart is let you all try them out and later
sure you all want to learn up this technic from Masters.

NOTE : Malaysia National Badminton Team for the Thomas Cup used to have a
QMDJ Master to use this method for the team to improve their chances of
winning the tournament years ago.

These tables help you to plan your daily activities and make it to your

Good sector for 23 March 2005 for every bi-hourly from 5 am to 11pm

5-7 am N,SE,SW
7-9 am E,SW,NW
9-11 am S,N,NW
11 - 1pm NO
1-3 pm E
3-5 pm E,SW,NW
5-7 pm E,W,SE
7-9 pm N
9-11 pm N,SE,SW

NO-means no sector has special good combination of Qi at 11 am to 1 pm
on that day

Bad sector for 23 March 2005 for every bi-hourly from 5 am to 11pm

5-7 am-NE
7-9 am-SE
9-11 am-SW
11 - 1pm-SW
1-3 pm-NE
3-5 pm-SE
5-7 pm-NW
7-9 pm-S
9-11 pm-NE

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