Here are some pictures of my Austin friends. They are my little Texas family. Sarah is stretched out on my bed after Mardi Gras, and there we are together, looking good as always. =)

Shawn is posing nicely in front of my quite open closet and then performing his Jesus impersonation,

and Vince looks like he got caught doing something naughty on my computer. Bad Vincey.

By the way, the gorgeous Latina that showed up in a couple of previous shots is my friend, Vanesa, who works with me.

This is a shot of me and one of my very best friends, Jennifer. She's the cute blonde. The handsome man on my right is Shannon, who graduated with us. Don't let the red eyes fool you-- Jennifer is anything but evil, and she has been a great support to me over the years.

Here is a picture of me and my good friend Melanie.

And this shot is of myself and Dr. Felix, a friend from my old job.