When you turn in your picture, your teacher will look at the following:
1.  How much detail you put in the picture.
2.  Did you use appropriate colors?
3.  Does your picture fill up the entire page?
4.  Did you put 100% of your effort into the picture?

When you turn in your writing project, your teacher will look at the following:
1.  Did you write all the words you were thinking?
2.  Did you try to spell the words using the letter sounds you know?
3.  Are the words written in a line and do they have spaces between them?

When you share your information with the class, your teacher will look at the following:
1.  Did you speak loud enough for everyone to hear?
2.  Did you share your information with the audience?



 Beginning Your Adventure




Dancing and moving penguins on this page and all the connecting pages from http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/robin1/penquinprance.html