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Something silly I drew the other night/morning/thing. That's me walking along, rewriting one of the books (I would NEVER actually do this. Books are more sacred than my life!). Down in the corner JKR is smacking herself over the crazyness of her fans (because we're all nutters, admit it!). In the thought bubble:

Hermione + Severus
Draco + Harry
Cho is murderated
Lupin + Sirius
Percy explodes
Death Eater masks turn pink
Neville goes all punk
Ron + Luna...

Now, I don't want to hear any whining about how these are kids books and romanitic shippings don't matter and blah blah blah. Shut. Up. :P I can do what I want with my time and amuse myself with the worlds other people have created if I wish. Besides, it was really fun to doodle Ms. Rowling smacking herself in the forhead.