Meghan's Place
Thank You Desiree for the BEAUTIFUL snowglobe!
This website is all about me, through my eyes. Although, my mommy is helping me put this all together and she adds her opinion sometimes. (So, just bear with me.) You know how Mommy's are! So, come on in and take a look at all my cool pics, we will add more as my mommy gets in gear and gets them developed. I've been doing a lot of neat stuff lately and you can read all about it too. I think Mommy is even adding some cool links and stuff! And I have already won several awards, so I've created a special awards page for myself.I even have some really neat awards that were created for me by our new friends Michele and Danielle . So feel free to apply to win those! I would LOVE to give some out! Have fun, be sure to sign my guestbook to let Mommy and Me know you were here, and we'll be sure to sign yours if you leave us a link! Also new I have a dreambook, I would absolutely go WILD with joy if you would sign that one too! Once you enter my site, you can navigate with my new navigation box, someone was gracious enough to teach Mommy how to do them, and she is so grateful! Thank you, Dee!
Side note from Mommy:
Meghan's Place will no longer have music. Click the banner to find out why and get involved!
Site updated and maintained by *Mindy* July 25, 2000