Viktor Krum
      Thanks so much to Hawk for this great write-up on Viktor Krum!  And thanks to Chase for finding this great picture of what Krum would look like!

Durmstrang Institute

Age: Seventeen or eighteen

Wand: Ten and a quarter inches, somewhat rigid, hornbeam and dragon heartstring, made by a fine wand-maker named Gregorovitch

Looks: Thin, dark, shallow skin, surly face with heavy black eyebrows and a prominent nose, looks like an "overgrown bird of prey"

Viktor Krum: Quidditch Cup and Tri-Wizard Champion

Vikotr Krum, seeker for the Bulgarian National Quidditch Team, pulled of an incredible Wronski Faint in the Quidditch World Cup in the result of the Snitch being caught and the game being ended.  Although, the Bulgaria lost to Ireland, 160 to 170, Krum kept the Bulgarian team from losing even worse.

Just a few months later, Krum participated in the Tri-Wizard Tournament as the Durmstrang champion.  Krum was third person to perform the first task, collecting a golden egg while avoiding a dragon.  He had to battle a mother Chinese Fireball.  He used a Conjunctivitus Curse, as a dragon's eyes are its weakest feature.  All points are not told but Krum got ten points from Karakoff and later it's told he got forty points.  Krum was tied in first with Harry Potter.

The second task was to rescue a hostage from an icy lake within an hour.  Krum's hostage was Hermione Granger, his date for the Yule Ball.  He used an incomplete form of Transfiguration (a shark to be exact) and was second to return with his hostage.  He was awarded forty points out of fifty.  Krum was lowered to second place (although some people may disagree and say Krum was in thrid because Harry Potter and Cedric Diggory were tied for first)

The third and final task was to complete obstacles and find a way through a maze to the center where the Tri-Wizard Cup was held.  Since Krum was in second place he entered into the maze after Potter and Diggory.  Krum was held under the Imperius Curse and was forced to attack Diggory.  Luckily, he didn't finish attacking him.

I believe Krum finished in second place but there is no proof.

Thanks to Melissa for the following:
Interview with Krum

UHP - Unofficial Harry Potter Website
VK - Viktor Krum

UHP - Good morning Viktor, how are you?
VK - I am vell, thank you, and you?
UHP - Good, thanks.  Your last year has been quite hectic with the Quidditch World cup, Triwizard Tornament, and falling in love.  How did you feel and cope with it all?
VK - Last year vas very busy my family supproted me alot, I love Quidditch and it's something I do all the time but the Vorld Cup was really nerve racking.  The Triwizard Tornament was very difficult, I suppose it's meant to be.  Unfoturnately it had a very sorrowful ending.  Cedric vas a very talented and polite person.
UHP - And your involvement with Hermione Granger?
VK - That is between us.
UHP - Any comment at all?
VK - After the  report from the Skeeter voman ve decided not to discuss our relationship.
UHP - Will you bwe continuing on with Quidditch?
VK - Yes, I have a three year contract at present.  Hopefully I can keep playing for the rest of my life (I'm not counting on injuries).  I am very happy on the Bulgarian team.  Our new assistant coach is teaching us great moves over the break.
UHP - You have now graduated from Durmstrang Institue of Magic, what do you think you will miss the most?
VK - I am not sure, but I will not miss Quidditch training at 5:30 am in the snow.
UHP - What have you been up to lately?
VK - I have been holidaying in England and training for Quidditch.  I have  had a few autographing and appearance sessions also I have some charity vork coming up soon when I get back to Bulgaria.
UHP - What charity events are those?
VK - I have a charity auction next month vith some of the other International Quidditch teams.  A S.P.E.W. launch I am involved in that organized personally.  I'm sure I'll be attending many more events as they arise.
UHP - What is S.P.E.W.?
VK - S.P.E.W. is the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Velfare.  Ve are concerned at the moment vith House Elves in particular.
UHP - Don't you think Elves are happy enough at the moment?
VK - Maybe, maybe not.  But if there is some doubt in a creature's velfare, I think people shoult be able to open up and investigate to be fair.
UHP - Thank you for chatting to us, good luck for the future and your current Charity events.
VK - Thank you very much.  I vish England's Quidditch team all luck for the next Vorld Cup.
Click here to read his diary page