The Sorting
          You walk into an empty room with a group of first years.  The room is dark and has no windows.  You realize that it is unusually cold in the dark room.  You shiver as you watch the door close, and it also blooks the light from coming into.
           You noticed a small man right before the door closed.  Now suddenly a bright light cloaks the small man, as though it were a spotlight.  The small man could almost be an elf...
             A chair appears beside the small man.  On the chair there is a small, black, velvet bag.  Suddenly light hits the bag, though you don't know where it's coming from.  Suddenly hundreds of tiny coins begin to jump out of the bag and float around, reflecting specks of light as they float around.   The little man begins to speak in a dull voice and you strain your eyes and ears to do your best to stay awake.
           "The sorting shall begin," he coughs as his wraspy voice seems to be caused by a dry throat.  He snatches a coin in the air, a coin that is much larger then the others.  He then shows it to everyone in his hand.
           "Hold this coin and just concentrate on which house you would like to be in.  You can choose from the Firentoads, Hugestclaw, Roaringthroat, or Slithersnake."
            You nervously wait in line, dreading your turn.  You have no idea if you'll get into the best or worst house.  Suddenly you hear your name being called.  You slowly move up towards the talking coin.  The small man hands you the coin, and you concentrate hard.

            "Hmm...." you hear its voice inside your head, as though it is talking to you mentally.  "Where should I sort you?  I know...All you need to do is answer my question:  What best describes you? 
Just click on one of the buttons below and see which house is best for you..."
The Durmstrang Sorting Song by Melissa Jacques
When witches and wizards wouldn't dare run about
The skies were grey and the magic called black, would only mount
The four, the different, the smart, the brave
Trudged along and started, a whole new rave
They teamed up with those who would create the Dark Mark
They built a school of ice, knowledge, spells and dark
You met at the entry of the Entry Pond where you were transported away
And you landed at our school, Durmstrang, where you are meeting today
Rupert Roaringthroat we owe a lot to
He was brave and loyal will you join his crew?
Henrietta Hugestclaw was really very smart
Will you join her house with the other bright sparks?
Fiona Firentoads made friends with plants of the flesh eating variety
Are you that courageous and mighty?
Simon Slithersnake was an over achiever
He liked snakes and serpents and things that will eat ya
So come on be put to the test
Will you be the next Dark lord or come off second best?
Choose wisely, think clearly we are nearly there
There's no turning back your past is bare